顛覆你對中秋月餅想像 台東才吃得到的「隱藏版糕餅」成最夯伴手禮

<p>福和成糕餅店著名的封仔餅是台東人的回憶 (右)、第三代老闆洪曉龍熱情地在店門口歡迎顧客。(左)|The famous Taitung mooncakes, known as “Feng-Tzu cakes,” from Fu He Cheng Pastry, representing the collective memory of people from Taitung. (right) and The third-generation owner of Fu He Cheng Pastry, Hsaio-Lung Hung, cordially greets customers. (left) (Courtesy of 台東食育提案所/福和成糕餅店)</p>

福和成糕餅店著名的封仔餅是台東人的回憶 (右)、第三代老闆洪曉龍熱情地在店門口歡迎顧客。(左)|The famous Taitung mooncakes, known as “Feng-Tzu cakes,” from Fu He Cheng Pastry, representing the collective memory of people from Taitung. (right) and The third-generation owner of Fu He Cheng Pastry, Hsaio-Lung Hung, cordially greets customers. (left) (Courtesy of 台東食育提案所/福和成糕餅店)

【看CP學英文】以探索「食物如何吃、如何來」的「台東食育提案所」關注台東食物教育的政府、學校、在地人、設計師,透過 #食 拉近人與人間的距離。

Dedicated to discovering the origin of local #foods, Fooding Taitung keeps a close eye on Taitung’s food education, especially government-sponsored programs in local schools.


What is off the top of your head when it comes to Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Moon Festival? For Taitung locals, “Feng-Tzu cakes” from Fu He Cheng Pastry might cross their minds.


Located in Chenggong Township, Taitung, the eighty-nine-year-old Fu He Cheng Pastry Shop definitely offers many must-buys for tourists.

說起封仔餅的歷史,同樣要回到日治時期,因為當時台東物資缺乏,許多人在中秋節時買不起蛋黃酥或是較昂貴的月餅,因此和菓子店的師傅便將豆餡包在餅皮中並壓扁,以10個為一單位,用紅紙包在一起、草繩捆起,並在外頭用毛筆寫上「中秋月餅」四個大字,於是便成了台東人過中秋時吃的月餅。後來越來越多人移到台東,發現這裡的月餅是一條,而不是一盒,條的台語又唸作「烘」,叫久了就變成「烘(封)仔餅」。| “Feng-Tzu cake” got its name due to the fact that people wrapped ten cakes at a time, and in Taiwanese, a bundle of ten items is called “Feng.” Wrapped with a red paper written with the word “Moon Cakes”, the bean-paste filling Feng-Tzu cakes were substituted for yolk pastries and other pricey moon cakes that were beyond many locals’ budget. (Courtesy of 台東食育提案所)


The grandfather of the current shop owner, Hung Hsiao-lung (洪曉龍), learned baking skills from traditional Japanese confectionery chefs for twenty years during the Japanese colonial era.

After Taiwan’s restoration, Hung’s grandfather took over the shop and continued to bake pastry that spread the taste of happiness.


When the baton was passed to Hung’s parents, the pastry added other traditional Taiwanese food to its menus, such as Hakka rice cake and Turtle-shaped red rice cake, as his mother is Hakka.

You would surely be amazed by the rich variety a pastry shop has to offer: within one single stop, you can get hold of Taiwanese, Hakka, and Japanese snacks!

(Courtesy of 有家攝影工作室 / 風土蒸餾所)
(Courtesy of 有家攝影工作室 / 風土蒸餾所)


Hung, the third-generation pastry owner, went all the way to a celebrated bakery in Northern Taiwan to learn baking.

A few years passed, keeping his grandpa’s philosophy in mind, he came back home with the latest technology and store management skills.

He has expanded the market, developed new products, and held DIY activities, which successfully spread Fu He Cheng Pastry’s name far and wide.

(Courtesy of 有家攝影工作室 / 風土蒸餾所)
(Courtesy of 有家攝影工作室 / 風土蒸餾所)


In addition to basic flavors, Fu He Cheng Pastry blends local ingredients into mochi and came up with special flavors such as sailfish, seaweed and quinoa mochi.

Glutinous rice produced in Chishang and Guanshan Town, Taitung together with unique fillings is the key to the blissful taste Fu He Cheng Pastry’s mochi offers.

說到麻糬內餡,除花生、芋頭、紅豆、白豆沙等基本口味,這裡還有用旗魚炒成魚脯的旗魚麻糬,運用冬季常見的海草、營養滿分紅蔾做成的海草麻糬、紅蔾麻糬,每一種都讓人很想嚐鮮看看。而這些香Q麻糬的外皮,也都是使用台東池上、關山所生產的圓糯米。| In addition to basic flavors, Fu He Cheng Pastry blends local ingredients into mochi, coming up with special flavors such as sailfish mochi, seaweed mochi, and quinoa mochi. Glutinous rice produced in Chishang and Guanshan Town, Taitung together with unique fillings is the key to the blissful taste Fu He Cheng Pastry’s mochi offers. (Courtesy of 有家攝影工作室 / 風土蒸餾所)


Thick and round, Fu He Cheng Pastry’s signature mooncakes, “Feng-Tzu cakes”, come in five different flavors: green bean, red bean, white bean, taro, and roselle.


Wrapped with a red paper written with the word “Mooncakes”, the bean-paste filling Feng-Tzu cakes were substituted for yolk pastries and other pricey moon cakes that were beyond many locals’ budget.


“Feng-Tzu cake” had its name due to the fact that people wrapped ten cakes at a time, and in Taiwanese, a bundle of ten items is called “Feng.”


Gradually, “Feng-Tzu cakes” have become the most beloved mooncakes for people from Taitung.


As people stress the importance of health, Fu He Cheng Pastry also cares about customers’ health by reducing 25 percent of oil and sugar added. Less burden, better enjoyment for people of all ages.

(Courtesy of 有家攝影工作室 / 風土蒸餾所)
(Courtesy of 有家攝影工作室 / 風土蒸餾所)

福和成糕餅伴手禮-台東成功總店 店舖資訊

Fu He Cheng Pastry Shop Info

大同旗艦店 Taitung Flagship Store

地址 Address|台東縣成功鎮大同路67號|No. 67, Datong Rd., Chenggong Township, Taitung County

營業時間 Opening Hours|07:00–18:00

電話 Telephone|089-851-757

創始店 The Orginal Store

地址 Address|台東縣成功鎮中華路191號 |No. 191, Zhonghua Rd., Chenggong Township, Taitung County

營業時間 Opening Hours|07:00–18:00

電話 Telephone|089-851-432

台東食育提案所 FoodingTaitung


Fooding Taitung is a platform that has kept a close eye on Taitung’s food education from the government, schools, to locals.

臺東設計中心 Taitung Design Center


TDC, a proposal for design in Taitung, follows issues relating to Taitung’s “governance framework”, “urban living”, and “natural landscape.”

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