馬國新住民「深耕台灣教育」 溫儀詩出任清華附小校長

<p>Wen Yi-shi, a new immigrant from Malaysia, is deeply invested in Taiwan’s education system. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)</p>

Wen Yi-shi, a new immigrant from Malaysia, is deeply invested in Taiwan’s education system. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)

【看CP學英文】新住民全球新聞網與IC之音FM97.5【新生報到-我們在台灣】合作,推出一系列精采的新住民在台灣的故事,本集節目邀請來自馬來西亞的新住民— 溫儀詩。

Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network has cooperated with IC Voice FM97.5 “New Life Registration-We are in Taiwan” to launch a series of brilliant stories about new immigrants in Taiwan.

This episode features a new immigrant from Malaysia — Wen Yi-shi (溫儀詩).


She is currently the principal of the “Affiliated Experimental Elementary School” of National Tsing Hua University. Wen’s hometown is Sandakan, Sabah in Borneo.

This city, also known as “Little Hong Kong,” was a prosperous seaport many years ago, making it the most famous for its fresh and delicious prawns, seafood, bird’s nests, and more.

The flavor she misses the most is a bowl of simple seafood noodles, a common breakfast dish in her community.


During her university years, Wen came to Taiwan to study in the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling at the National Taiwan Normal University (國立師範大學-教育心理與輔導系). After graduating, she decided to stay in Taiwan where she met her future husband.

Recalling her years in Taiwan, Wen shared her secret of adapting to a new environment, explaining that the first thing you need to do is to “stop missing your hometown” and “change your thoughts, to change your life.”

Wen Yi-shi created the “Yakult” self-development philosophy. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)
Wen Yi-shi created the “Yakult” self-development philosophy. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)


She also created her “Yakult” self-development philosophy, called “Yang Le Duo” (養樂多) in Mandarin.

“Yang (養), which means “nourish” in English, represents whenever she encounters various challenges and difficulties, she regards it as a kind of “nutrition” (養分), and through a lot of reading, she finds a window of expression, which also helps nourish her inner peace and stability.

“Le (樂, happy)” means regardless of any situation, one can see things with a grateful heart, and let yourself continue learning; thereby, learning to “enjoy.”

“Do (多, more)” represents the many unexpected things in life, but “more” appreciation will relieve one’s pressure, and “more” tolerance will help oneself to empathize.

When one begins to empathize with the other person’s perspective, they will be able to resolve a lot of misunderstandings and develop a new perspective and experience.

延伸閱讀:五倍券10/8上路 「如何領取、使用範圍、加碼措施」整理

Read More: Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers can be used starting on 10/8. “How to avail, scope of application, and bonus measures” are summarized here

Wen Yi-shi is the principal of Tsing Hua Affiliated Elementary School. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)
Wen Yi-shi is the principal of Tsing Hua Affiliated Elementary School. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)


Regarding why she chose to work in the field of education, Wen recalled that when she was young, she considered her younger sister as her own student and taught her new words that she learned in school.

When she was a child, she liked to imitate the teacher and felt so lucky when she successfully applied to and was accepted, at the National Taiwan Normal University after graduating from high school.

Since she became a teacher, she discovered that most children’s learning difficulties are not a question of their knowledge, but are in fact, many different hidden needs that lead to children’s learning difficulties.

Therefore, Wen hoped to start from the psychological level to help students overcome the obstacles and fears in their hearts. Through listening, she hopes to understand the real needs of students and help them better understand themselves and build self-confidence in learning.

延伸閱讀:注意!教育部公布「校園防疫指引」 生病者禁入校上課上班

Read More: Attention parents! New Taipei City students will receive the BNT vaccine and schools will hold home online classes for 2 days

Wen Yi-shi shared the prerequisites for being a “good teacher”. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)
Wen Yi-shi shared the prerequisites for being a “good teacher”. (Photo courtesy of Wen Yi-shi via Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network)


Wen admitted that becoming a principal was purely accidental. However, when she was due to take up the position, she was filled with hesitation.

The most important decision was to give up her “dual citizenship.” After a lot of thinking, Wen bravely took action to practice education and became the principal of Tsing Hua Elementary School.

Wen said, “Being a teacher is a very difficult challenge. The focus is not only on the professional knowledge of the teacher, but more importantly, the inner energy and characteristics of the teacher because this is the key that truly affects the student.”

Principal Wen believes that a teacher who can give students warmth, flexibility, and empathize with children’s difficulties, and then help students build a successful experience, and enlighten them, is a good teacher.

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