
根據世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum)2019年度報告,巴基斯坦在全球153個國家中的性別平等程度排名倒數第三,在這個性別刻板印象宰制社會常規的國家裡,女人甚至不能騎摩托車,就連被別人載也要側坐而不能跨坐。

Pakistan ranked third from the bottom among 153 countries in the World Economic Forum’s gender gap report of 2019.

In a country where gender stereotypes dictate social norms, women on two-wheelers are expected to sit with both legs to one side, which makes it practically impossible to ride a motorcycle.

不過,25歲的瑪琳娜(Marina Syed)正在努力改變這項風氣。她在克拉嗤(Karachi)開立了專為女孩設計的摩托車訓練課程,逐漸帶動女孩騎摩托車的風氣,並分享一路以來的力圖打破禁忌的心路歷程。

However, 25-year-old Marina is busy changing the norms with her training center located in Karachi aimed at teaching women how to ride motorcycles. She shared with the public her story on challenging this long-standing taboo.


Before Marina learned to ride motorcycles, she mostly traveled on buses and rickshaws. “I used to return from work at about 11:30 pm and it was difficult to find a rickshaw at that hour”, she said.

Marina didn’t want to depend on others to get home, therefore she bought a motorcycle without telling her family, and learned to ride it from online tutorials.


Though Marina managed to excel in her riding skills without professional training, she learned it the hard way as she was injured a lot through the process.

2018年,瑪琳娜創立了「Rowdy Riders」訓練中心提供婦女摩托車教學課。現在,她已經成功教會超過200名婦女這項必備的技能。

In 2018, Marina founded the “Rowdy Riders” training center providing women with motorcycle classes. She has trained at least 200 women with this essential skill so far.


Marina shared that after learning to ride, she was offered stunt jobs in films several times.

She expressed hope to give women more mobility as well as economic independence through the courses, hoping to highlight how independent women can uplift their family’s financial status.

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