世界最偏遠的米其林餐廳 格陵蘭特色食材入菜


A chef from the KOKS restaurant of double-Michelin-starred Faroese chef Poul Andrias Ziska carries supplies into the restaurant housed in the Poul Egedes House in Ilimanaq, Greenland, on June 28, 2022. - Restaurant Koks, usually housed in the Faroe Islands, where they have been awarded two Michelin stars, moved to Ilimanaq Lodge and is open between June 12 and September 8, 2022 and 2023, serving a tasting menu in the small settlement 300km north of the polar circle, home to 53 permanent residents. - TO GO WITH AFP STORY by Camille BAS-WOHLERT (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP) / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by Camille BAS-WOHLERT (Photo by ODD ANDERSEN/AFP via Getty Images)
米其林二星餐廳KOKS上月從法羅群島搬遷至更北邊的格陵蘭伊利馬納克市。(資料照/Getty Images)

法新社報導,基斯卡(Poul Andrias Ziska)的餐廳坐落於格陵蘭最古老的黑色狹窄木屋之一,每次僅能接待約20位顧客。餐廳以格陵蘭當地農產品入菜,向顧客提供擁有20道菜品、價值2100克朗(約8367元新台幣)的豐富套餐。


Wild Greenlandic salmon with fermented gooseberry, a creation by double-Michelin-starred Faroese chef Poul Andrias Ziska, is pictured at the KOKS restaurant in Ilimanaq, Greenland, on June 28, 2022. - Restaurant Koks, usually housed in the Faroe Islands, where they have been awarded two Michelin stars, moved to Ilimanaq Lodge and is open between June 12 and September 8, 2022 and 2023, serving a tasting menu in the small settlement 300km north of the polar circle, home to 53 permanent residents. - TO GO WITH AFP STORY by Camille BAS-WOHLERT (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP) / TO GO WITH AFP STORY by Camille BAS-WOHLERT (Photo by ODD ANDERSEN/AFP via Getty Images)
帶有發酵醋栗的野生格陵蘭鮭魚。(資料照/Getty Images)
創意松雞料理。(資料照/Getty Images)





格陵蘭是一個長期被低估的景點,其領土相當於9個英國,COVID疫情開始前的2019年有超過10萬遊客到訪,是當地人口的兩倍。除格陵蘭的極地景觀外,格陵蘭島旅遊局(Greenlandic Tourist Board)希望「KOKS」餐廳也為當地吸引更多美食家旅客。

「拜訪格陵蘭」(Visit Greenland)主任斯瑪拉森(Hjortur Smarason)宣布「KOKS」餐廳的到來時表示:「高檔美食、北大西洋料理與生俱來的永續性、迪斯科灣(Disko Bay)特有的生態和自然資源的獨特組

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