
工商時報【Nikki Lu】 閱讀暖身 時代雜誌剛剛選出2017年度最佳發明,從一個馬克杯,到一副擴增實境眼鏡,這些發明的共同點是"Life-changing",改善生活,甚至改變某些人的生命。最佳發明共有25項,以下是其中5項。進入本文前請想一想,這些生活中的單字英文怎麼說:A.拐杖 B.燙傷 C.嬰兒保溫箱 Glasses That Give Sight to the Blind Legally blind people rely on support (A)canes and guide dogs, as they cannot see by themselves. The fact is to be changed by the eSight3 glasses. According to TIME, "Once users put on eSight, it records high-definition video and uses magnification, contrast and proprietary algorithms to enhance that imagery into something the legally blind can see," The $9,995 USD device might not sound so accessible, but it has helped more than 1,000 patients, and may be of help for millions. 擴增實境眼鏡讓視障者「看見」 視障人士依賴輔助拐杖與導盲犬,但無法親眼去看。eSight3眼鏡可能改變這一點。TIME報導「eSight在使用者戴上後就會開始錄製高解析度影片,透過放大、增強對比、擁有專利的演算法,增強影像,使視障者能夠看見。」要價9,995美元的裝置或許價格不那麼容易入手,但它已幫助超過1,000位患者,更可能幫助上百萬人。 Mugs That Heat Your Coffee Just Right It can't be too much to ask for a good coffee. However, one minute the coffee is too hot that it (B)scalds your mouth, and next minute it turns too cold. You just never get to enjoy it. The stainless-steel Ember mug can be the solution. "Reinforced in white ceramic coating, it keeps coffee or tea at a precise temperature-anywhere from 120°F to 145°F, set through an app" that last for about an hour, and unlimited amount of time with the charging saucer. 讓咖啡溫度剛剛好的馬克杯 想喝一杯好咖啡,這樣的要求並不高。但咖啡總是一會兒熱得燙口,再一會兒又變太冷,無從享受起。不鏽鋼的Ember馬克杯可能解決這個痛點。「經白色陶瓷塗層強化,咖啡或茶能夠維持在精確的溫度-透過app設定在華氏120度∼145度(攝氏49度∼63度)間皆可。」恆溫可維持1小時,有充電托盤則可長期保持恆溫。 A Shoe Engineered to Boost Performance Adidas Futurecraft 4D wants you to be faster and higher. The midsole can be tailored in size, shape, flexibility, cushioning and more-Thanks to 3D Printing. Traditionally, it takes weeks to make the modifications, but it only takes two hours for Futurecraft 4D. In the future, you might even see shoes being produced in stores.Adidas is (1)rolling out a standardized version starting from mid December. 大幅提升表現的運動鞋 愛迪達Futurecraft 4D要你跑得更快、跳得更高。這雙鞋的鞋底夾層可依尺寸、形狀、彈性、緩震需求,量身訂做-多虧了3D列印技術。過去這樣的調整需要好幾周時間,但Futurecraft 4D只需要2小時就能做到。將來或許還可能看見商店內就在製作運動鞋。愛迪達預計12月中推出標準版。 Drones That (2)Put Selfie Sticks to Shame As a drone, the DJI Spark has a down-to-earth goal: to help anyone take better photos, videos, and "dronies", meaning drone selfies. It's easier to operate (gesture recognition means you can control it with a wave of your hand), harder to crash (an array of sensors help prevent midair collisions) and relatively cheap ($499). Not to mention that it lifts off from your hand by recognizing your face. 無人機令自拍棒相形見絀 大疆無人機Spark的目標很務實:拍出更好的照片,影片,和"dronies",意思是無人機拍出的自拍照。「為此,它變得更容易操作(姿勢辨識功能,透過手勢即可操控),更不容易墜毀(大批感應器預防空中碰撞),且相當便宜(499美元)。」更別提透過臉部辨識,它就可由你的手中起飛。 Wristbands That Help Babies Get a Better Start For babies, hypothermia can lead to breathing and other problems. In areas with few resources, most hospitals and clinics can't afford (C)incubators to keep baby warm. Bempu is "a $28 light-up temperature monitoring bracelet that fits on a baby's wrist; it sounds an alarm and flashes orange if babies are too cold, so mothers can warm them against their skin or swaddle them." The device has helped an estimated 10,000 babies in mostly India and other countries. 低溫監控手環給寶寶更好的開始 低溫可能導致嬰兒呼吸及其他方面問題。在資源貧瘠地區,醫院和診所負擔不起保溫箱,Bempu是「適合嬰兒手腕、會發光的溫度監測手環,當寶寶溫度太低,它會發出警報聲和橘色閃光,媽媽就可用體溫或包巾為寶寶保暖。」此裝置已幫助了印度和其他國家估計10,000名的寶寶。 資料來源: TIME 世界公民,這是商業英語的last mile! 很多人都說,英文好薪水會加倍,可以換到外商工作、可以更輕鬆溝通……英文確實可以為你做很多很多事,但是,它能為你的人生帶來的最大祝福是:找回失去的自信、耐心、膽量……還有,花了二十年還在跟英文纏鬥的人,人生不要一輩子都在跟英文纏鬥吧,要嘛放棄它不要有罪惡感,要不就征服它帶來成就感,英文學習的最後一站,報名電話(臺北)02-27215033、(新竹)03-5782199,www.core-corner.com