世.界.之•窗-IDEO:五個把設計思維 變成企業靈魂的祕訣

工商時報【Nikki Lu】 閱讀暖身 幫助蘋果設計出第一個滑鼠、為歐樂B設計出第一支兒童牙刷的設計顧問公司IDEO,率先提設計思考(Design thinking)。IDEO CEO最近發表文章,談論企業「設計思維優先」的必要,以及如何使設計思考在組織各層面開花結果。進入本文前請想一想,這些單字英文怎麼說:A.勝過;做得比…更好 B.耕耘 C.生存能力 Airbnb and Nike's CEOs are designers at the same time, and across industries, Apple, 3M, and Pepsi have Chief Design Officers (1)at the helm. Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, believes that making design a priority is a key differentiator that enables organizations (A)outperform the market. Here are five approaches he suggests to build design-friendly behaviors at every level of the organization. Airbnb、Nike的CEO都同時具有設計師身分,各產業中如蘋果、3M、百事等企業也都有設計長掌舵。IDEO CEO提姆布朗認為,組織要能從市場中勝出,關鍵的差異在於將設計思考視為首要事項。他提出五種在企業各階層打造「設計友善」的方法。 1.(B)Cultivate curiosity All human-centered designers share one quality, that is they like asking questions. That is how you develop empathy for customer's needs and desires. Constant contact with people you're designing for also creates a productive feedback loop. 耕耘好奇心 以人為本的設計師都有同樣特質,就是愛問問題。透過問題,你對顧客的需求發展出同理心。為誰設計,就持續與他們接觸,也能有效創造出一個意見回饋圈。 2.Experiment early and often Being able to test the idea's (C)viability and desirability is a must. "…what we've found is that teams that explore and iterate five or more solutions at once produce 50 percent more successful launches. Experimenting like a designer means valuing divergent thinking as much as convergent thinking," says Tim Brown. 盡早、持續試驗 測試想法的生存力、渴望被擁有的程度,是不可或缺的。提姆布朗寫道,「我們發現能同時探索、反覆進行五個以上解決方案的團隊,產品成功上市機率高出百分之五十。像設計師一樣試驗,表示重視發散思考,也重視收斂思考。」 3.Collaborate across silos To avoid defining the competition too narrowly, organizations have to cross the boundaries of industry. CEOs can look for interesting partnerships or investments outside of the company's core business. Talented people with different backgrounds should be brought into the company. We all need to (2)adopt a practice of "gathering knowledge from unexpected places." 跨領域整合 要避免將市場競爭定義地太狹隘,組織必須能跨越產業界線。CEO們可尋找公司核心業務以外的有趣合作或投資。公司要吸納不同背景的優秀人才。我們都必須採取「從意想不到之處攝取知識」的作法。 4.Spread ideas like a virus Ideas can die on Post-Its. Tell your story, make it as contagious as possible to activate networks who can help you build the idea. Assign a project owner as soon as possible. "The earlier you have an owner who sees it as their job to generate excitement and momentum around the idea, the better chance it has at survival." 散播想法要像散播病毒 想法可能在便利貼上無疾而終。把你的故事說出去,越有傳染力越好,以啟動能幫助你打造想法的網絡。盡快指派專案負責人。「越早有負責人引發大家對這個構想的興奮、創造聲量,構想就越可能生存下去。」 5.Go big and Go fast for the win More is more, and some of the ideas can be sacrificed. "Companies like IKEA have a firehose of new products every year; it's become habitual for them to produce at that rate. And with 30 percent of revenue coming from new products, the company doesn't have time to be precious with every idea." The design process should be sprint-like: build early prototypes, collect evidence and feedback, and respond quickly. 要勝出就要夠大、夠快 多即是多,有些構想是可以被犧牲的。「像IKEA這樣的企業每年新產品源源不絕,他們已經習慣以這樣的速度生產。30%的收入來自新產品的時候,公司沒有時間去珍惜每個構想。」設計流程應該像衝刺:打造早期原型,收集證明和回饋意見,並且快速反應。 資料來源:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-top-5-behaviors-design-driven-organizations-why-do-tim-brown/ 世界公民,這是商業英語的last mile! 很多人都說,英文好薪水會加倍,可以換到外商工作、可以更輕鬆溝通……英文確實可以為你做很多很多事,但是,它能為你的人生帶來的最大祝福是:找回失去的自信、耐心、膽量……還有,花了二十年還在跟英文纏鬥的人,人生不要一輩子都在跟英文纏鬥吧,要嘛放棄它不要有罪惡感,要不就征服它帶來成就感,英文學習的最後一站,報名電話(臺北)02-27215033、(新竹)03-5782199,www.core-corner.com