
<p>辣韓胖豬 | Sticky pork belly slab in a butter roll  (Courtesy of LBC)</p>

辣韓胖豬 | Sticky pork belly slab in a butter roll (Courtesy of LBC)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】你熱愛三明治嗎?在臺北總是苦尋不著好吃的三明治嗎?快記起來!臺灣最好吃三明治「Liquid Bread Company就位於台北大安區

Are you a sandwich lover trying to find your way in Taipei? It’s weird to some, but one of the best sandwich restaurants is located in Da’an District in Taipei, The Liquid Bread Co. (LBC).

國際旅遊網站《Big 7 Travel》評選出「2019年亞洲前50強三明治推薦」,臺灣共有三間餐廳入選,其中有著時尚風格的臺灣三明治餐廳「Liquid Bread Company」擠進前十名,登上亞洲最好吃三明治第七名。

The restaurant, which is known for its use of fresh ingredients, ranked 7th in the list of 50 best sandwiches in Asia, according to the international travel website “Big 7 travel.”

《Big 7 Travel》網站寫道,「Liquid Bread Company」是一家時髦的三明治專賣店,他們將最好的食材,以創新的呈現方式堆疊出Instagram上最受歡迎的美味三明治。

“Liquid Bread Co. is a sleek sandwich counter that uses only the best ingredients for their innovative and downright Instagrammable sandwiches,” Big 7 travel said.

「Liquid Bread Company」店內裝潢相當簡約時尚。|“Liquid Bread Co. is a sleek sandwich counter (Courtesy of LBC)
「Liquid Bread Company」店內裝潢相當簡約時尚。|“Liquid Bread Co. is a sleek sandwich counter (Courtesy of LBC)


The website also mentioned the innovative burgers in the restaurant, such as a sticky pork belly slab in a butter roll or jam and grilled Swiss cheese.

經典煙燻牛三明治| Pastrami sandwich(Courtesy of LBC)
經典煙燻牛三明治| Pastrami sandwich(Courtesy of LBC)


The top pick in the list is a Hong Kong restaurant, though, Piqniq, which boasts a roof terrace with breathtaking views of Victoria Harbour and The Peak.

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