以抗疫文字畫出台灣地圖 網友讚:期待離島也能加入

<p>A Taiwanese artist tried to cheer up others by writing encouraging words into the shape of the Taiwan island. (Photos courtesy of 爆怨2公社/Facebook) </p>

A Taiwanese artist tried to cheer up others by writing encouraging words into the shape of the Taiwan island. (Photos courtesy of 爆怨2公社/Facebook)


Following the Taiwanese government’s announcement on Tuesday that the epidemic warning will remain at Level 3 until June 14, many have expressed discomfort in working or studying from home for so long.


To this, a talented Taiwanese artist decided to put his calligraphy skills to good use and incorporated encouraging words like “Go Taiwan” and “Taiwan on high alert” into drawings of Taiwan’s main island.


In addition, the artist paid respects to frontline medical staff, police officers, firemen, and military personnel for their assistance and effort in the fight against the coronavirus.


The delicate drawings were very well-received by Taiwanese social media users who praised the artist for transcribing such important messages into artworks with just a pencil.


Many also commented that it would make a nice tattoo and lauded the artist for his nice penmanship.


However, some pointed out that the offshore islands like Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, Ludao (Green Island), Lanyu (Orchid Island), Turtle Island, and Little Liuqiu were left out, and added that they hoped the islands can be seen in the future masterpiece.

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