原汁原味就是要「三吃」 廣州火鍋必備食材竟是這個


When we think of hot pots, the image of stacked platters, diverse ingredients, and mouthwatering colors always comes to mind. However, in traditional Nangang markets in Guangzhou, China, hotpots are brimming with only one ingredient: Dace Fish.


In particular, dace dumplings are signature dishes that embody the versatility of dace hotpots. The dough which wraps the minced dace meat is triangular-shaped, and will ultimately be tucked neatly into the dough, leaving out a small tip.

The tip of the triangular-shaped dough is crucial; it forms the appealing “tail” of the dace dumplings, which should not break after cooking.


The dace pasta and fish balls are equally compelling Dace hotpot dishes. Uniquely, the fish-based dish is packed with more texture than regular pasta, a truly kicker for noodle enthusiasts.

Should you be a fish-ball lover, Shifu Xi Futian highly recommends taste-testing the dace fish balls. Each one is meticulously pinched from small dace fish with smooth textures, a phenomenal dish overwhelmed with savory.

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