台南鹽水月津港燈節結合AR 穿梭古今虛實之間

<p>荷蘭藝術家Ralf Westerhof的作品《光繪生活》|The light art titled “Drawn in Light was created by Dutch artist, Ralf Westerhof. (Courtesy of Facebook/Yuejin Lantern Festival)</p>

荷蘭藝術家Ralf Westerhof的作品《光繪生活》|The light art titled “Drawn in Light was created by Dutch artist, Ralf Westerhof. (Courtesy of Facebook/Yuejin Lantern Festival)


The Yuejin Lantern Festival will kick off on Jan. 18 in Yanshui District, Tainan. The traditional celebration will feature more than 20 artists from both Taiwan and abroad who created art installations on the theme: “Mirage.”


The Yuejin Lantern Festival won the Communication Design Award of the Red Dot Design Award in 2018. This year, the festival has incorporated augmented reality to filter through the art installations, inviting visitors to experience a new perspective in art.

月津港燈節配合主題「虛實轉化」,結合擴增實境(AR),在各處放置結合藝術的拍照濾鏡,讓遊客看到藝術的不同面向。| This year, the festival incorporated augmented reality filters into the art installations, inviting visitors to see various perspectives in art.(Courtesy of Facebook/The Yuejin Lantern Festival)
月津港燈節配合主題「虛實轉化」,結合擴增實境(AR),在各處放置結合藝術的拍照濾鏡,讓遊客看到藝術的不同面向。| This year, the festival incorporated augmented reality filters into the art installations, inviting visitors to see various perspectives in art.(Courtesy of Facebook/The Yuejin Lantern Festival)


Among other highlights, works by Yuyu art studio feature some light decorations above the river. It is one of the must-see works during the lantern festival.

在地藝術家禹禹工作室的作品《光際,之間》| The local artist’s work by Yuyu art studio (Courtesy of Facebook/The Yuejin Lantern Festival)
在地藝術家禹禹工作室的作品《光際,之間》| The local artist’s work by Yuyu art studio (Courtesy of Facebook/The Yuejin Lantern Festival)

除了本地藝術家,首次來台的荷蘭藝術家Ralf Westerhof,將生活中常見的街景,以光影線條呈現,創作出《光繪生活》,讓觀眾感受燈光帶來的趣味性,並認識台南的月津港。

In addition to local artists, a Dutch artist, Ralf Westerhof, created a light installation, titled “Drawn in Light,” that highlights the history of the Yuejin port.

荷蘭藝術家Ralf Westerhof的作品《光繪生活》|The light art titled “Drawn in Light was created by Dutch artist, Ralf Westerhof. (Courtesy of Facebook/Yuejin Lantern Festival)
荷蘭藝術家Ralf Westerhof的作品《光繪生活》|The light art titled “Drawn in Light was created by Dutch artist, Ralf Westerhof. (Courtesy of Facebook/Yuejin Lantern Festival)


Another highlight is Japanese artist Yasuhiro Chida’s artwork, named “Brocken.” When you stand in front of the work, your reflection is projected on the screen with magical lighting, making you feel immersed in the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival.

日本藝術家千田泰廣的《崩世光景》| Japanese artist Yasuhiro Chida’s artwork, named “Brocken.”(Courtesy of Facebook/Yuejin Lantern Festival)
日本藝術家千田泰廣的《崩世光景》| Japanese artist Yasuhiro Chida’s artwork, named “Brocken.”(Courtesy of Facebook/Yuejin Lantern Festival)


In addition to the Yuejin Lantern Festival, The YueJin Art Museum has organized workshops and art installations along the streets in Yanshui District in hopes of bringing local communities together. There are six themed routes within the district boasting various types of decorations, including rabbits on the Liancheng Lane and mural paintings.

連成巷的可愛兔子 | The rabbits installations on the Liancheng Lane (Courtesy of Facebook/YueJin Art Museum)
連成巷的可愛兔子 | The rabbits installations on the Liancheng Lane (Courtesy of Facebook/YueJin Art Museum)
在鹽水老街區的牆面上可以看到可愛的小插畫|Visitors can find the mural paintings on the walls. (Courtesy of Facebook/YueJin Art Museum)
在鹽水老街區的牆面上可以看到可愛的小插畫|Visitors can find the mural paintings on the walls. (Courtesy of Facebook/YueJin Art Museum)

2020 月津港燈節 |2020 Tainan Yuejin Lantern Festival

地點:台南市鹽水區月津港 | Location: Yuejin port, Yanshui District in Tainan City

時間:2020年1月18日至2月16日 | Date: Jan. 18 – Feb. 16

開幕活動:1月18日19:00 | Opening: Jan. 18 at 7 p.m.

月之美術館 | YueJin Art Museum

地點:中正路立面、月津故事館、一銀巷、連成巷、王爺巷、魚鱗巷 | Location: Jhong Jheng Rd., yuejin_history house, Yi Yin Lane, Lian Cheng, Wang Yeh Siang and Yu Lin Lane

時間:即日起至2020年2月16日(日) | Date: The event will run until Feb. 16 2020

每日點燈時間:18:00~22:00 | Lighting Time: 6-10 p.m. everyday

更多資訊請參考:月之美術館|For more information, visit YueJin Art Museum

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