
<p>TW can help (臉書/TWcanHelp)</p>

TW can help (臉書/TWcanHelp)


With the coronavirus pandemic having a toll on frontline medical workers worldwide, many patients with pre-existing medical conditions are finding it hard to seek medical help.

因此台灣的皮膚科醫生成立了一個台灣可以幫忙(Taiwan Can Help)臉書專頁,平台在李友專教授與其團隊精新架設下,邀請了許多皮膚科醫師一起,供國外的朋友們尋求醫療資訊,幫忙解決皮膚相關問題。

With this observation in mind, a group of Taiwan dermatologists has decided to create a Facebook page for foreigners who may need to seek medical help but are not able to in their home country.

Professor Li Yu-chuan and his team created the webpage, and invited many dermatologist to help with the patients’ consultations.


In a Facebook post, Doctor Shi Po-yu shared the story of a friend who recently discovered some abnormalities on his skin and needed consulting. Amid the pandemic, however, he couldn’t go to the doctors and instead sent him an email to ask for help.


This led Dr. Shi to invite Taiwanese doctors to lend a helping hand to the foreign community, making an international safe-space for people with medical issues.


The Facebook page ( is now set up and is mainly for foreigners. All comments will be made by dermatologists verified by TWcanHelp.

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