台灣單日0確診再登NHK!原因曝光 日網友震驚:太神奇了

<p>▲中央流行疫情指揮中心指揮官陳時中。|Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 15, 2020.Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference (圖/指揮中心提供|Courtesy of CECC)</p>

▲中央流行疫情指揮中心指揮官陳時中。|Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 15, 2020.Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference (圖/指揮中心提供|Courtesy of CECC)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】新冠肺炎疫情持續延燒全球,我國從三月起開始經歷歐美返國潮,導致每天都有新增確診病例,直至昨( 14 )日,疫情指揮中心宣布單日確診新增為 0 ,消息振奮人心,日本放送協會( NHK )也報導其消息,在推特上引發日本網友熱烈討論。

Amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) Tuesday reported no new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections. NHK, Japan’s national broadcasting organization also reported on this important news, stirring an online discussion in Japan.

據《 NHK 》報導,台灣每天都有歐美等境外移入感染源,截至目前為止,確診病例達到 393 人 6 死,不過台灣當局早在 3 月 19 日就全面禁止外國人入境,並同時採取從國外返台國人入境時,必須進行 14 天居家隔離、檢疫,違反重罰 100 萬台幣等措施。

In the report, NHK wrote that Taiwan had reported imported cases from the U.S. and European countries every day. As of today, the number of infections reached 393 and the death toll hit 6. However, Taiwan authorities banned foreigners from entering the country as early as March 19 and those who returned to Taiwan must be subjected to 14 days of home isolation, quarantine. Besides, those who violate the rules would be fined up to NT$1 million (US$3,3000), NHK said.

▲台灣單日0確診的消息登上日媒。|NHK, Japan’s national broadcasting organization also reported on this inspiring news, stirring an online discussion in Japan. (圖/翻攝NHK推特|Courtesy of Twitter/NHK)
▲台灣單日0確診的消息登上日媒。|NHK, Japan’s national broadcasting organization also reported on this inspiring news, stirring an online discussion in Japan. (圖/翻攝NHK推特|Courtesy of Twitter/NHK)

而報導也提及疫情中心指揮官陳時中對於台灣睽違 36 天出現 0 確診的看法,「當然開心台灣疫情比全球疫情來的趨緩一些,但是還是不能鬆懈,今天雖然 0 確診很高興,但只能算是一點小確幸,不能大意」。

What’s more? The news outlet added Taiwan Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, who heads the CECC, said we still can’t relax although the spread of the virus slowed down a bit. Report on zero new cases is inspiring but we still need to stay cautious, he added.


Many Japanese netizens retweeted NHK’s report and commented, “Taiwan is amazing,” another said, “We should learn from Taiwan,” “Taiwan’s preventive measures are excellent.” The others added, “Can we exchange our government for Taiwanese government employees?” “After reading this, I understand why Taiwan could do better than western countries.”

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