台灣國旗登上WHO網頁!成大「超神研發」曝光 眾全讚翻

<p>成大資訊工程系特聘教授蔣榮先所率領的研究團隊成果,登上 WHO 等單位所舉辦的活動頁面上。| a Taiwanese team entered the “Build for COVID19 Global Online Hackathon” competition hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), resulting in the Taiwanese flag being featured on the WHO Website.(圖/翻攝 、成功大學新聞中心)</p>

成大資訊工程系特聘教授蔣榮先所率領的研究團隊成果,登上 WHO 等單位所舉辦的活動頁面上。| a Taiwanese team entered the “Build for COVID19 Global Online Hackathon” competition hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), resulting in the Taiwanese flag being featured on the WHO Website.(圖/翻攝 、成功大學新聞中心)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】2019 新型冠狀病毒( COVID-19 )爆發,由於疫情快速擴散,全球各地也都陸續傳出確診案例。而台灣由於快速的防疫對策,受到不少外媒關注。近期成大資訊工程系特聘教授蔣榮先、成大放射科醫師蔡依珊等人組成的「 MedCheX 」團隊研發,更獲得世界衛生組織( WHO )等單位所舉辦的「國際 COVID19 科技防疫黑客松大賽」獎項,而活動網頁上還驚見台灣國旗,引發許多人討論。

As COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide, many countries have reported an increasing number of confirmed cases. Contrary to most countries, however, Taiwan has swiftly come up with many innovative virus-prevention measures, attracting the attention of global media.

Recently, a Taiwanese team entered the “Build for COVID19 Global Online Hackathon” competition hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO), resulting in the Taiwanese flag being featured on the WHO Website.

The “MedCheX” team was led by a professor from the Information Engineering Department of Cheng Kung National University (成功大學) Chiang Jung-Hsien (蔣榮先) and radiologist Tsai Yi-shan (蔡依珊).


蔣榮先教授指出,他們的研究主要內容是以人工智慧來判讀病患肺部 X 光片,僅需要 1 秒的時間,就能夠立刻辨識是否具備新冠肺炎特徵,這樣的發明也能夠幫忙醫生示警是否要進一步做檢測。他也指出,未來開發完成後,即便是在缺乏醫療人員的地方,也能利用 AI 迅速偵測疾病,阻止疫情加速擴散。

Professor Chang said that their research mainly centers around using artificial intelligence to read patients’ lung x-rays. The system can detect whether the lungs show signs of pneumonia within a second. This can also help doctors determine whether or not they need to conduct further tests.

As soon as the system goes live, even places without sufficient medical doctors will be able to use AI to swiftly detect the virus and effectively prevent it from spreading, Chang added.

蔣榮先教授也坦言,這次的爭非常激烈,尤其是「醫療科技類」,不僅參賽組別多,更有許多知名大學如美國約翰霍普金斯大學、華盛頓大學等參賽,不過他們卻能從 1560 個團隊中脫穎而出,成為台灣唯一獲獎團隊,成為台灣之光,讓蔣榮先興奮直呼「在網站上看見國旗,真是太令人興奮了,實在是太驚喜…」。

Professor Chang said that the competition was quite fierce, especially in the category of “medical technology.”

Having been able to attract the judges’ attention among 1,560 other teams, many of which from prestigious universities in the U.S., Chang said he felt extremely happy to see the Taiwan flag on the website, claiming it was an exciting and surprising moment.

台灣國旗登上 WHO 等單位所主辦的活動頁面。(圖/翻攝
台灣國旗登上 WHO 等單位所主辦的活動頁面。(圖/翻攝

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※ 【The China Post 英文中國郵報】reminds you:

Taiwan CDC asks that travelers who show symptoms such as fevers or coughs upon arriving in Taiwan need to put on a surgical mask and seek immediate medical attention. In addition, please inform authorities of any history of travel, occupation, contact, and cluster (TOCC) to facilitate timely diagnosis and prompt case-reporting. Call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922).

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