台灣燈會台東館最美主視覺海報 澄黃月光灑落藍海

<p>台東館視覺海報|Taitung Pavilion visual poster (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)</p>

台東館視覺海報|Taitung Pavilion visual poster (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)


Taiwan Lantern Festival will kick off on Saturday and run until Feb. 23 in Taichung Houli Forest Expo Site and Houli Horse Ranch. Ahead of the festival, Taitung Pavilion in the City Glory section unveiled the most stunning visual poster ever.

台東館視覺海報|Taitung Pavilion visual poster (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)
台東館視覺海報|Taitung Pavilion visual poster (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)


The visual poster was designed by Taiwanese artists Peng Yu-jui and Huang Jui-i. On the theme of Taitung’s harmony between nature and humanity, the poster highlights the interactions and sense of touch. If you gently pull the lower half of the poster, for instance, you will see blue and white waves.

日月以燙金加工 |The golden moon is one of its feature. (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)
日月以燙金加工 |The golden moon is one of its feature. (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)
只要將海報貼到牆面上,手輕輕將下部拉開,即呈現藍白交錯、如海浪般的形狀。| If you gently pull the lower half of the poster, the blue and white waves would come out. (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)
只要將海報貼到牆面上,手輕輕將下部拉開,即呈現藍白交錯、如海浪般的形狀。| If you gently pull the lower half of the poster, the blue and white waves would come out. (Courtesy of Facebook/Plan b)


Taitung, located in eastern Taiwan is home to sea and endless mountains. There is, therefore, little wonder that Taitung Pavilion features the lighting, sound, vision and space design to showcase the harmony between nature and humanity and the endless energy in nature.

2020台灣燈會 台東館 | 2020 Taiwan Lantern Festival Taitung pavilion

展覽日期|2020.02.08 – 02.23 | Date:Feb. 8, 2020 – Feb. 23, 2020

展覽時間|每日 17:30 – 21:00 免費入場 | Time : 5:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.

展覽地點|台中后里花博園區 – 好市共榮燈區 | Address : Dashan Road, Houli District, Taichung City, 421 (Taichung Houli Forest Expo Site)

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