台鐵便當週日車上開賣! 連假限量販售新自強號站票

<p>Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) announced Friday that it would resume selling food on the trains starting from June 7.(NOWnews)</p>

Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) announced Friday that it would resume selling food on the trains starting from June 7.(NOWnews)


Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) announced Friday that it would resume selling food on trains starting from June 7 and will start selling standing room tickets on the Taroko Express and Puyuma trains, with limited 120 standing room tickets sold per train.


In line with the epidemic prevention “new normal,” TRA has relaxed its preventative measures since June 7, even though passengers are still required to have their temperature taken and wear masks when entering stations.

If the passengers can maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 meters after entering the station, however, they can choose not to wear a mask, TRA authorities said.

台鐵昨(5)日宣布6月7日起,恢復車上販售台鐵便當|Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) announced Friday that it would resume selling food on the trains starting from June 7.(Courtesy of TRA)
台鐵昨(5)日宣布6月7日起,恢復車上販售台鐵便當|Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) announced Friday that it would resume selling food on the trains starting from June 7.(Courtesy of TRA)


TRA stopped selling lunches on April 5 amid the coronavirus outbreak. As the pandemic subsides, TRA will resume selling lunches on June 7. Passengers are allowed to eat and drink on the train as long as they can maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters or if your neighbor is wearing a mask.

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