哥倫比亞中部鬥牛場觀眾看台倒塌 釀2女1男1孩童死亡、300多人受傷包括14名孕婦27名未成年人

Aerial view of the collapsed grandstand in a bullring in the Colombian municipality of El Espinal, southwest of Bogotá, on June 26, 2022. - At least four people were killed and another 30 seriously injured when a full three-story section of wooden stands filled with spectators collapsed, throwing dozens of people to the ground, during a popular event at which members of the public face off with small bulls, officials said. (Photo by SAMUEL ANTONIO GALINDO CAMPOS / AFP) (Photo by SAMUEL ANTONIO GALINDO CAMPOS/AFP via Getty Images)
哥倫比亞中部26日一場鬥牛賽發生看台倒塌意外,造成至少4人死亡、數十人輕重傷。 (圖/Getty Images)

哥倫比亞中部城市艾斯皮納(El Espinal)一座鬥牛場的觀眾看台今天發生倒塌事故,已知造成2婦女、1男性和1名14個月大孩童,共4人喪命和300多人受傷,其中約30人受重傷。最初傳有5人甚至6人死亡的說法,但這個信息最終被艾斯皮納市市長辦公室澄清。

艾斯皮納市今天舉辦稱為「​​Corraleja」的傳統活動,讓民眾進入場中與公牛互動;當局表示原已呼籲暫停,但這場活動依舊照常舉行。社群媒體上流傳的照片和影片可以看到事故發生在時當地時間下午 1時 左右,當時 Gilberto Charry 鬥牛場,有個人正挑釁公牛互動,其中一邊的三層樓高木造觀眾看台倒塌,數十人因此墜落到地面。

哥倫比亞托里馬省(Tolima)省長歐洛斯柯(Jose Ricardo Orozco)在事發後告訴當地電台:「目前有4人死亡,分別是2名女性、1名男性和1名孩童。」


艾斯皮納市衛生局長說,當地已經建立了一個統一指揮所進行傷者救援,受傷人數急速上升。隨後,托里馬省衛生部長瑪莎·帕拉西奧斯 (Martha Palacios)報告說,傷者中有 14 名孕婦和 27 名未成年人,她們正在聖拉斐爾德埃斯皮納爾醫院接受治療。傷者已被轉移到伊瓦格和吉拉爾多特的醫療中心,其中幾人不得不接受手術。

將於8月7日宣誓就職的哥倫比亞新任總統裴卓(Gustavo Petro)也在推特發文對發生此起事件感到遺憾,他表示,由於這並非頭一次發生此類意外,要求地方當局應予以禁止;裴卓要求暫停鬥牛,「我稱它們為動物死亡表演」。現任總統杜克(Ivan Duque)也宣布將進行調查,了解意外原因。

Aerial view of the collapsed grandstand in a bullring in the Colombian municipality of El Espinal, southwest of Bogotá, on June 26, 2022. - At least four people were killed and another 30 seriously injured when a full three-story section of wooden stands filled with spectators collapsed, throwing dozens of people to the ground, during a popular event at which members of the public face off with small bulls, officials said. (Photo by SAMUEL ANTONIO GALINDO CAMPOS / AFP) (Photo by SAMUEL ANTONIO GALINDO CAMPOS/AFP via Getty Images)
鬥牛場周圍有3層樓高的木架看台,意外發生時看台上擠滿觀眾。(圖/Getty Images)
