噴泉整修驚現首任市長心臟 比利時百年鐵盒秘密被挖出

<p>上月,華麗的噴泉正經歷整修,施工過程中,意外挖出承裝乙醇的金屬盒,盒子內則保存著市長的心臟。|Last month, an ethanol-filled jar was uncovered during renovation work on the city’s stone fountain. (Courtesy of VERVIERS.BE)</p>

上月,華麗的噴泉正經歷整修,施工過程中,意外挖出承裝乙醇的金屬盒,盒子內則保存著市長的心臟。|Last month, an ethanol-filled jar was uncovered during renovation work on the city’s stone fountain. (Courtesy of VERVIERS.BE)

【看CP學英文】相傳比利時東部的佛維爾市中心,有一座噴泉底下埋著首任市長皮埃爾.大衛(Pierre David)的心臟。近日因噴泉進行整修,施工時竟挖出一個生鏽小盒子,裡面裝著的正是市長的心臟,都市傳說竟成真令人嘖嘖稱奇。

It is said that in the heart of downtown Verviers in eastern Belgium, there is a fountain beneath which the first mayor, Pierre David’s heart is buried.

During a recent renovation of the fountain, a small metal box was found with the mayor’s heart inside.


According to Reuters, an ethanol-filled jar was uncovered during renovation work on the city’s stone fountain last month.


An engraving on the casket says: “The heart of Pierre David was solemnly placed in the monument on 25 June 1883.”

上月,華麗的噴泉正經歷整修,施工過程中,意外挖出承裝乙醇的金屬盒,盒子內則保存著市長的心臟。|Last month, an ethanol-filled jar was uncovered during renovation work on the city’s stone fountain. (Courtesy of VERVIERS.BE)
上月,華麗的噴泉正經歷整修,施工過程中,意外挖出承裝乙醇的金屬盒,盒子內則保存著市長的心臟。|Last month, an ethanol-filled jar was uncovered during renovation work on the city’s stone fountain. (Courtesy of VERVIERS.BE)

市府公共工程負責人兼議員戴吉(Maxime Degey)向路透社表示:「傳說已不再是傳說,是真的。」

“Today the legend is no longer a legend. It’s a reality,” Verviers city councilor Maxime Degey said.


David first served as a mayor from 1800-1808, when Belgium was under French rule. After the Belgian Revolution of 1830, he was elected mayor, built the first fire brigades, and opened up politics by allowing the public to watch city council debates.

拼圖,皮埃爾.大衛(左),金屬盒目前正在當地美術館對外展出至9月20日。| The collage shows <span>Pierre David (left) and casket which is currently on display at the local museum.</span>(Courtesy of VERVIERS.BE)
拼圖,皮埃爾.大衛(左),金屬盒目前正在當地美術館對外展出至9月20日。| The collage shows Pierre David (left) and casket which is currently on display at the local museum.(Courtesy of VERVIERS.BE)


In 1839, at the age of 68, he fell to his death while working in his hayloft.


In 1883, with the family’s permission, the authorities built the monument fountain in honor of the mayor and had his heart buried under a stone in the monument.

金屬盒目前正在當地美術館對外展出至9月20日。展期結束後, 一旦大衛紀念噴泉整修工程結束,金屬盒將被送回原位封存。

The box is currently on display at the Verviers Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics until Sept. 20. Once the renovation is complete, the metal box will be returned to David Fountain in the city.

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