
【看CP學英文】波蘭攝影師Przemek Krawczykowski日前在網路上發表一系列夜間漫步台北城」(Taipei Nightwalk)照片合輯,以鏡頭記錄下夜市裡的攤販市井小民人物特寫、廟宇、霓虹招牌、馬路喧囂,高冷色調搭配獨特取景角度引起許多台灣網友關注

Photographer Przemek Krawczykowski recently released a photo collection online, titled “Taipei Nightwalk.”

During his journey, the Polish artist used his camera to capture some night market stalls, local people, temples, neon signs, and the hustle and bustle of the streets.

The photo’s moody tone and unique framing angles have attracted the attention of many fellow photographers and the Taiwan public.

Przemek Krawczykowski (center) and his “Taipei night walk” photos. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)
Przemek Krawczykowski (center) and his “Taipei night walk” photos. (Courtesy of Przemek Krawczykowski)


In light of such an overwhelming response, Przemek decided to edit some footage he recorded during his three-month trip to Taiwan in 2017 into a new video.

Again, the photographer has aimed at introducing the beauty of Taiwan so that more Europeans, and people around the world, can see this underrated and beautiful island-nation.

「臺灣是我造訪過最美、最有趣的國家之一」Przemek向The China Post說道。當大多數歐洲人提到所知亞洲國家時,總想到泰國、菲律賓、中國等等,但卻從來沒聽過臺灣。也因此Przemek於2017年決定選擇來到臺灣旅行三個月找尋對他生命中最重要、最愛的東西。

“Taiwan is one of the most beautiful and interesting countries I’ve ever seen,” Przemek told The China Post in an email interview. When it comes to Asian countries, most Europeans know Thailand, Philippines, China, and more but they never heard about Taiwan.

That’s the reason why Przemek decided to take a three-month trip to Taiwan to discover what he loved and what was important in his life.

看更多Przemek Krawczykowski作品 | See more Przemek Krawczykowski’s works :

影片音樂 | Music credit: Blackbird Blackbird – Summer’s Almost Here