好消息!連七天零確診 只剩14人住院中

<p>Health minister Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on May 28, 2020. (Photo courtesy of CNA)</p>

Health minister Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on May 28, 2020. (Photo courtesy of CNA)


The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on Thursday reported no new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, keeping the total number in Taiwan at 441.


In addition to this good news, health minister Chen Shih-chung said that those who have been hospitalized for more than seven days, kids in children’s wards and physically or mentally disabled patients are conditionally exempt from the visitation restrictions and are allowed one one-hour visit per day.


However, family members still have to follow hospital visiting hours, Chen said, adding that patients who have been hospitalized for some time do need the company and support of their loved ones to help them through their stay.


Another 185 pneumonia-related reports were released yesterday, and the tally as of press time was 71,581 (including 70,616 already dismissed), with 441 confirmed infections.

Among the confirmed cases, 350 are imported, 55 are categorized as local infections, and 36 belong to the navy cluster infection.

Taiwan has reported 7 deaths so far, and a total of 420 of the COVID-19 patients have already been released from quarantine, Chen said.

The remaining patients are still being monitored.


According to the latest tally, there are 5,709,022 confirmed COVID-19 cases in 187 countries and regions worldwide, including 1,727,153 in the U.S., 391,222 in Brazil, 370, 680 in Russia, 267, 240 in the U.K and 236,769 in Spain, with a total of 354, 094 deaths as of Thursday.

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