媽祖今晚起駕 鎮瀾宮實行防疫管制

<p>大甲媽祖今晚起駕|Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage will kick off on Thursday evening.(CNA)</p>

大甲媽祖今晚起駕|Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage will kick off on Thursday evening.(CNA)


Dajia Jenn Lann Temple has taken some precautionary measures to restrict the number of people entering the temple as well as the square at the front ahead of the Dajia Matsu Pilgrimage which will kick off on Thursday evening.


The temple has also asked pilgrims to check their temperature and disinfect their hands before entering the premises. They will also need to wear a face mask to enter the temple, authorities said.

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