川普對非法移民零容忍 近千兒童仍與家人失散

美國政府2日表示,還有近1000名在前總統川普(Donald Trump)執政期間試圖入境美國時被迫與雙親分開的孩童,迄今尚未跟家人團聚。

Migrants waiting to seek asylum in the United States pass their time at a migrant camp near the Gateway International Bridge in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, on December 22, 2022. - The US Supreme Court on December 19, 2022 halted the imminent scrapping of a key policy used since Donald Trump's administration to block migrants at the southwest border, amid worries over a surge in undocumented immigrants. An order signed by Chief Justice John Roberts placed an emergency stay on the removal planned for December 21, 2022 of Title 42, which allowed the government to use Covid-19 safety protocols to summarily block the entry of millions of migrants. (Photo by VERONICA G. CARDENAS / AFP) (Photo by VERONICA G. CARDENAS/AFP via Getty Images)
美國前總統川普時期對非法移民採取零容忍,至今尚有許多兒童與家人失散。(圖/Getty Images)

法新社報導,現任總統拜登(Joe Biden)2021年1月上任後,矢言要盡快取消川普對非法移民採取所謂的「零容忍」(zero tolerance)作法,這項政策導致數以千計的孩童在跨越美國南方邊界後,被迫與父母分開。

美國國土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)2日表示,為了促成這些孩童跟家人團聚而設立的工作小組,迄今已確認有3924名孩童於川普執政4年期間被迫與家人分開,其中2926人已經回到家人身邊。


工作小組召集人、國土安全部部長馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)表示,「我們的重要工作還未完成」。




