

Hailing from Arras, northern France, Emmanuel Helart came to Taiwan as an exchange student for a year when he was a college student. He came with the goal of exceeding his Chinese skills although he already had a good command of the language beforehand.

After arriving in Taipei, Emmanuel was impressed with the hospitality of the people, the convenience in daily life as well as the prevalence regarding medical resources, which contributed to why he married a Taiwanese wife later on and settled down here.


Before getting married, Emmanuel used dating apps to understand more about the local culture through online chatting and expand his local friends, since he had a rather small social circle.

However, he never thought that he would one day meet his future wife, Mimi, in this digital world. The two got married in France in 2017 and came back to Taiwan to start their new life.


Now, Emmanuel is a French teacher in a European cram school who sometimes provides one-on-one French lessons. He also became the father of two beautiful children, which makes both his and his wife’s lives busier and more tiresome, yet nonetheless sweeter.

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