影/尼泊爾首位女性飛行傘教練 勇敢闖出一片天

博卡拉(Pokhara)城市是尼泊爾著名的旅遊勝地,在這裡玩飛行傘是很受遊客歡迎的熱門運動。在以男性為主的遊客與教練人海中,你可能會注意到一位女孩——特里莎(Trisha Shestha Bomjam),她是尼泊爾僅五名女性飛行傘教練中的其中一位。


Paragliding in the city of Pokhara, Nepal is a popular tourist adventure sport. In the sea of male paragliding coaches, you might spot Trisha. She is one of the five female paragliding pilots in Nepal.

Paragliding and adventure sports aren’t go-to careers for women in Nepal, therefore when 10 years ago she first started her career in paragliding, obtaining her license as the sole female pilot, it was unprecedented and needless to say, discouraging.


Now, the 29-year-old mother opened up her own shop and takes tourists on 2 to 3 flights every day. Making her way through the male-dominated industry has been a liberating experience for her.


Despite her 10 years of coaching experience, she still encounters male tourists who ask her, “Are you sure? Can you take me?” And each time Trisha would confidently reply, “I have good experience and I can take you.”


Paragliding and adventure sports have yet to become mainstream careers for women in Nepal and elsewhere. However, Trisha encourages women to “go out, not just for paragliding. If a male can do it, why not female?”

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