影/法國攝影師為愛來台深受感動 誓言將把寶島之美帶回歐洲!

【看CP學英文】來自法國西南部波爾多的Mathieu Giabicani今年29歲,他的中文名字叫張令承,年輕時的他從未想過會愛上旅行,也從沒想過會認識台灣女孩,為了追愛遠渡重洋來到遙遠東方美麗島國——台灣。

Mathieu Giabicani is a 29-year-old French photographer who had never thought that he would fall in love with travel nor meet a girl from Taiwan. Still, he has settled on this beautiful island in the far east and met his better half here.

身為全職攝影師的他經營影片製作公司「Rollin Production」,孤身一人工作,從剪輯、空拍機操作,通通自己一手包辦;縱然辛苦,但也是因為工作才開啟了他人生的另一扇窗,開始在歐洲多國旅行拍影片。

As a full-time photographer, he runs a video production company “Rollin Production,” and works alone, doing everything from editing to drone operation.

Although the work is heavy, the job has opened another window in his life and he now travels around Europe to make videos.


In 2016, Giabicani and three of his friends went on a year-long trip to New Zealand, a year that marked a turning point in his life!

“I fell in love with travel,” he said when reminiscing about the NZ trip.


“Even though holding a job, travels are important to open minds and to have a break! That’s why I’m trying to travel as much as I can,” he continued.

拼圖由左到右分別為三仙台、法籍攝影師張令承、象山|The photo collage shows from left to right, Sanxiantai, Mathieu Giabicani, elephant mountain. (Courtesy of Mathieu Giabicani)
拼圖由左到右分別為三仙台、法籍攝影師張令承、象山|The photo collage shows from left to right, Sanxiantai, Mathieu Giabicani, elephant mountain. (Courtesy of Mathieu Giabicani)


In 2017, a few months after he returned home to France from NZ, he set aside his job and decided to fly to Taiwan to meet his girlfriend (now wife), who was in Taiwan at the time.


“Why not, trying a new life there,” he said, he’d have never visited Taiwan without her.


Along with his wife, Giabicani spent five months exploring this land’s beauty and filming the beautiful journey.


However, the main purpose of exploring in Taiwan three years ago was not to work on a video, so there are some scenes he did not capture.

“There are so many things to film!” He revealed that he was planning to film another video about Taiwan next year.


“This time, I want to take my time to film something. That really shows Taiwan as it must be shown!”

Follow Mathieu Giabicani 張令承

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Rollinproductionfilms/

Instagram: @mathieugiabicani

Website: http://www.rollinproduction.fr

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