阿富汗人攀上飛機逃難 才升空就墜落斃命

神學士奪下阿富汗後,數以千計阿富汗民眾今天湧入首都喀布爾機場停機坪,盼能登機逃出阿富汗。阿富汗Asvaka新聞社與BNO News報導,至少有3人攀上飛機升空後,從飛機上墜落斃命。


Exclusive- A clear video (from other angle) of men falling from C-17. They were Clinging to some parts of the plane that took off from Kabul airport today. #Talibans #Afghanistan #Afghanishtan pic.twitter.com/CMNW5ngqrK— Aśvaka - آسواکا News Agency (@AsvakaNews) August 16, 2021

Exclusive - The video shows a flight from #Kabul airport where two people are thrown from a plane into the the people's homes.#Afghanistan #Taliban pic.twitter.com/GlSgjNApJj— Aśvaka - آسواکا News Agency (@AsvakaNews) August 16, 2021

影片來源:YouTube The Guardian

阿富汗人攀上飛機逃難 才升空就墜落斃命
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