影/頭髮照樣剪 荷蘭髮型師自製雨傘完美隔離

<p>影片在Facebook上瘋傳,超過95,000次分享。|The video on Facebook has been shared more than 95,000 times. (Courtesy of Facebook/Bella Rosa)</p>

影片在Facebook上瘋傳,超過95,000次分享。|The video on Facebook has been shared more than 95,000 times. (Courtesy of Facebook/Bella Rosa)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】2019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19,俗稱武漢肺炎)疫情全球延燒,各國政府呼籲民眾務必保持「社交疏離」(social distancing),但是店家生意還是要做,一名荷蘭髮型師想到一個妙招,她把雨傘挖洞讓眼睛、雙手露出來,與客人保持隔離的同時仍能繼續服務。影片在Facebook上瘋傳,超過95,000次分享。

Amid the outbreak, many countries have called on the public to practice social distancing to curb the spread of COVID-19. To keep her business running amid the global crisis, a Dutch stylist created a makeshift shield out of an umbrella with eyes and arms’ holes.

Her video on Facebook has been shared more than 95,000 times.


The stylist, who owns a hair salon Oss, a city in the southern Netherlands, cut holes into an umbrella to create a barrier between herself and clients, according to various media outlets,


In one clip, she included the caption: ‘This is not going well,’ while laughs could be heard in the background.


A person commented, “‘You’re crazy,” while another said, “Bunch of lunatics.” A third one wrote, “You have an invention for everything, right. Superwoman.”

Bella Rosa 发布于 2020年3月18日周三

Bella Rosa 发布于 2020年3月18日周三

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