
<h3>1)</h3> <p>「女人最性感之處就是自信。但這份自信要謙虛,而不是驕傲的。」</p> <p>“I think the sexiest thing about a woman is confidence, but confidence in a humble way, not in an arrogant way.”</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>



“I think the sexiest thing about a woman is confidence, but confidence in a humble way, not in an arrogant way.”

@victoriabeckham - Instagram
<h3>2)</h3> <p>「我是個控制狂。如果我決心要去做一件事就要做到110%,不然只會剝奪我和家人相處的時間。」</p> <p><br>"I’m a control freak. If I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it 110%, or there’s no point in doing it at all, especially if the work takes me away from time with my husband and children.</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>



"I’m a control freak. If I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it 110%, or there’s no point in doing it at all, especially if the work takes me away from time with my husband and children.

@victoriabeckham - Instagram
<h3>3)</h3> <p>「面向陽光,陰影就在背後。我沒有時間耽溺於負能量。」</p> <p>“The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative."</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>



“The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative."

@victoriabeckham - Instagram
<h3>4)</h3> <p>「大衛在這段關係中的角色是什麼?他就是負責長得好看啊。他有顏值,我就負責搞笑,很多人都是這麼說的。不過我常常提醒他外表總是有褪色的一天。」</p> <p>"What’s David’s role? David looks good, that’s what David does. David looks good, and I’m the funny one, that’s what I hear constantly. But I keep telling him that looks fade."</p> <cite>Mike Marsland - Getty Images</cite>



"What’s David’s role? David looks good, that’s what David does. David looks good, and I’m the funny one, that’s what I hear constantly. But I keep telling him that looks fade."

Mike Marsland - Getty Images
<h3>5)</h3> <p>「我喜歡設立高遠的目標,同時保持樂觀、正向,當時機成熟時觀望一下事情的進展。」</p> <p>"I love to dream big, be optimistic, positive, and see what happens - when the time is right."</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>



"I love to dream big, be optimistic, positive, and see what happens - when the time is right."

@victoriabeckham - Instagram
<h3>6)</h3> <p>「我熱愛時尚。喜歡改變我的風格、髮型、妝容。我過去做過的所有嘗試造就了現在的我。不是每個人都會喜歡我的選擇,但我回顧過往的自己時總是會心一笑。」</p> <p>"I love fashion, and I love changing my style, my hair, my makeup, and everything I’ve done in the past has made me what I am now. Not everyone is going to like what I do, but I look back at everything, and it makes me smile."</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>
<h3>7)</h3> <p>「我們倆到現在還是非常親密。我們參加媽媽辦的派對時,我還坐在他的腿上。我們很恩愛。我看著他時心想:我們都已經結婚十一年了!而且我們當時是派對上唯一一對還緊跟著彼此的夫妻。我們真的是靈魂伴侶。」</p> <p>"We are still so close, David and I. We were at a party the other day at my mom’s house and I was sitting on his lap. We’re very affectionate. And I looked at him and thought after being married for 11 years! We were the only couple who were even near each other at that party. We’re soulmates."</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>
<h3>8)</h3> <p>「我是個很實際的人。我知道自己的極限在哪。我知道自己擅長和不擅長什麼。」</p> <p>“I’m very realistic. I know my boundaries. I know what I’m good at and what I”m not good at."</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>



“I’m very realistic. I know my boundaries. I know what I’m good at and what I”m not good at."

@victoriabeckham - Instagram
<h3>9)</h3> <p>「我不需要時時展露我的身材。這對我來說是心境上很大的轉折。」</p> <p>"I haven’t always got to show off my size, show off my shape. It’s a turning point for me."</p> <cite>James Devaney - Getty Images</cite>



"I haven’t always got to show off my size, show off my shape. It’s a turning point for me."

James Devaney - Getty Images
<h3>10)</h3> <p>「我很幸運我老公是個很稱職的爸爸。他真的很棒,而且我們非常尊重彼此。當我出外旅行時,他會待在家。當他離開的時候,換我留在家裡。孩子是我們絕對的第一順位。我們兩個合作協調得很順利,而且我們非常積極參與孩子們的生活。我認為和孩子擁有緊密的關係是很重要的事。」</p> <p>"I’m lucky that David is such a hands-on dad. He’s so great, and we have so much respect for each other. When I’m traveling, he’s at home. And when he’s traveling, I’m at home, so the children will always be our priorities. We work really well together and we’re very present in the children’s lives and I think that’s very important to have a close relationship with all the kids."</p> <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>
<h3>11)</h3> <p>【延伸閱讀】</p> <p><a href="https://www.harpersbazaar.com/tw/beauty/g22085276/victoria-beckham-skin-secret/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:膚況維持二十年如一日!維多利亞貝克漢的5個不藏私保養秘訣;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">膚況維持二十年如一日!維多利亞貝克漢的5個不藏私保養秘訣</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.harpersbazaar.com/tw/celebrity/celebritynews/g22082824/celebrities-who-have-been-honored-by-queen-elizabeth-ii/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:貝克漢、安潔莉娜裘莉都跟皇室有關係?那些被英國女王「榮譽加持」的名人雅士們;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">貝克漢、安潔莉娜裘莉都跟皇室有關係?那些被英國女王「榮譽加持」的名人雅士們</a></p>   <p>-</p> <p>加入BAZAAR LINE@好友,零時差接收趨勢新訊!</p>   <cite>@victoriabeckham - Instagram</cite>