必勝客再出怪招新口味 老外一看驚呼:好心動!

<p>Photo courtesy of Pizza Hut</p>

Photo courtesy of Pizza Hut


Taiwan’s Pizza Hut has done it again! After pushing out Taiwanese flavors such as stinky tofu, braised pork, and boba milk tea, Pizza Hut has extended its borders to Japan, creating a “ramen pizza” which successfully Japanese and Italians alike.


According to local media reports, Pizza Hut collaborated with Japanese ramen restaurant Menya Musashi in creating the “Tonkotsu Ramen Pizza.”

The result is a pizza covered with thick noodles, pork slices, bamboo shoots, spring onions, halved boiled eggs and sprinkled with spicy powder.

Photo courtesy of Pizza Hut
Photo courtesy of Pizza Hut


The unusual pizza has attracted the attention of netizens worldwide, with many commenting on Twitter their initial confusion as they thought the picture was a photoshopped anime.

Italians also tweeted that they see only “pasta” and wouldn’t hesitate to try the new original flavor. Many also showed their support by saying: “Anything’s better than pineapple.”


Interested parties can buy the newly-debuted ramen pizza for NT$459 at selected stores in Taiwan on June 30.

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