快訊/武漢肺炎假消息蔓延 亂發不實消息恐開罰300萬

<p>警政署強力打擊網路不實假訊息案件,並即時發布新聞,統計自109年1月23日迄今,刑事警察局及各警察機關已偵辦武漢肺炎相關假訊息178件,目前已移送79件112人。|As of the press time, the government has reported 178 cases of spreading misinformation about coronavirus, among which 112 persons were brought to justice, since 2020, Jan. 23(NOWnews)</p>

警政署強力打擊網路不實假訊息案件,並即時發布新聞,統計自109年1月23日迄今,刑事警察局及各警察機關已偵辦武漢肺炎相關假訊息178件,目前已移送79件112人。|As of the press time, the government has reported 178 cases of spreading misinformation about coronavirus, among which 112 persons were brought to justice, since 2020, Jan. 23(NOWnews)


Authorities have reported 178 cases of spreading misinformation about the coronavirus since Jan. 23, among which 112 persons were brought to justice, according to the National Police Agency (NPA) under the Ministry of the Interior.


The IP addresses of the recent 46 reported cases that the NPA has already investigated are located overseas, the agency said. Besides, the reported cases are written in simplified Chinese characters and some word choices are similar to the words that Chinese people use, the NPA added.

Accordingly, authorities believe that the recent surge in recent fake news cases could originate from overseas (Chinese) who might try to confuse Taiwan nationals by forging official documents, the NPA added.


The agency has called for the public to carefully identify the circulating misinformation and never share those suspicious messages. Those found guilty of spreading fake news could be fined up to NT$3 million (US$99,245) and sentenced up to three years in prison.

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