
An employee of Kirin Holdings demonstrates chopsticks that can enhance food taste using an electrical stimulation waveform that was jointly developed by the company and Meiji University's School of Science and Technology Professor Homei Miyashita, in Tokyo, Japan April 15, 2022. Picture taken April 15, 2022. REUTERS/Issei Kato
An employee of Kirin Holdings demonstrates chopsticks that can enhance food taste using an electrical stimulation waveform that was jointly developed by the company and Meiji University's School of Science and Technology Professor Homei Miyashita, in Tokyo, Japan April 15, 2022. Picture taken April 15, 2022. REUTERS/Issei Kato



這款產品最實際的用途,就是能減少使用者的鈉攝入量。根據宮下團隊的實驗結果,「增味」筷子給食物帶來的鹹味提升幅度大約為 1.5 倍。目前日本成年人的日均鹽攝取量差不多是 10g,達到了 WHO 建議量的 2 倍。如果宮下的筷子最終能如計畫在 2023 年實現量產商轉,那對因過度攝入鈉導致的中風、高血壓及其它疾病應該是能起到不錯的預防效果吧(實際上團隊也已經在考慮開發湯匙、碗等產品的可行性了)。