「搖滾才女」遭刼殺 教授父悲憶:18年前喜迎新生兒

遇刺身亡的哥大女生梅吉思(Tessa Majors)的親友緬懷18歲的「金髮搖滾樂手」為「偉大的表演者,有掌握舞台的能力」。


梅吉思過去駐唱表演的簡餐與音樂廳助理經理佛爾希尼(Jeyon Falsini)對她的音樂長才印象深刻,「她漂淡了髮色,相貌出眾,擔任搖滾樂手,穿網襪、格子裙、厚底鞋,她看似龐克搖滾樂手;她很棒,是偉大的表演者,對這麼年輕的人而言,她有著掌控舞台的能力。」


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


I wish I could rewind….This one was heartbreaking and just different. To my stage buddie, partner in crime, band mom, friend, and mentor, I love you. We hit it off the moment we met. At a time I felt as if giving up on my dreams was the only thing to do, you told me to stop whining and get to the love of it. I’ll never stop. WE will never stop. I got prom queen on repeat. Tess I wish I could jam one more time with you. No bullshitting, no correcting, just jamming. To the Majors, the mrc family, patient zero, Harli and The House of Juniper, The goop, and my 337 boys, And all of the other amazing people whose hearts she touched, The way for us to honor her is to never quit. Never stop playing. From now on, no matter who’s on stage with me, Tess will be right next me jamming with me. Thank you Tess I’ll miss you forever. Whenever I hit the stage you’ll be in my mind. everyone as hard as it is live life like she’s here with us. Because in spirit she will always be. Much Love -BEAMER

B3AM3R(@beamer337)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 12月 月 12 日 上午 8:19 張貼




她的父親伊曼‧梅吉思(Inman Majors)經常透過臉書(Facebook)向女兒互動,5月家人幫她慶祝18歲生日時,在詹姆士麥迪遜大學(JMU)教授英國文學並著有六本小說的伊曼寫道,「18年前,這個有趣的小娃來到世上,我的人生朝所有正確的方向重新定義,我等不及看上天未來18年幫我準備了什麼。」

梅吉思的祖母瑪莎‧伯頓(Martha Burton)說:「我猜,生長於鄉間讓她太過天真,認為在紐約市獨行安全無虞,她不該出現在那裡。」

巴納德學院院長希恩·禮‧貝洛克(Sian Leah Beilock)發表聲明說,「泰莎剛開始巴納德和人生的旅程,我們哀悼這件驚人的殺人案,扼殺非凡的年輕女性和我們的成員,這是難以想像的悲劇。」

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