新冠疫情重創日本觀光 溫泉業者「開大招」引人潮

<p>在遊客銳減的情況下,位在神戶的有馬溫泉業者想出妙招,推出「VR溫泉之旅」,讓民眾免出門即可享受泡溫泉的樂趣。|With this in mind, hot springs inn owners in Kobe introduced “VR hot springs trip” to let customers enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the hot springs whilst laying in their own bathtubs at home.(Shutterstock)</p>

在遊客銳減的情況下,位在神戶的有馬溫泉業者想出妙招,推出「VR溫泉之旅」,讓民眾免出門即可享受泡溫泉的樂趣。|With this in mind, hot springs inn owners in Kobe introduced “VR hot springs trip” to let customers enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the hot springs whilst laying in their own bathtubs at home.(Shutterstock)


As the novel coronavirus pandemic worsens, Japan recently announced the extension of its state of emergency protocol to the end of May.

Under strict regulations, citizens must stay at home while authorities regulate movements across cities; thus, greatly affecting the tourism industry in the country.

With this observation in mind, hot springs inn owners in Kobe have unveiled the “VR hot springs trip” to let you enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the hot springs whilst laying in their own bathtubs at home.


The Arima Onsen owners created a series of VR videos that allows you to choose one of the five hot springs hotels while staying at home. The video even includes sounds of the water flowing and the breeze blowing.

日本時報報導,發起這項服務的溫泉業者Kazushige Kanai表示,「來泡溫泉的遊客下滑,但我們也不能要求民眾在這樣的情況下來泡溫泉,所以我們決定做出改變,讓大家『待在家放鬆』。」

Kazushige Kanai, one of the inn owners who launched the campaign, told the Japan Times, “We’ve seen the number of visitors dwindling, but we can’t ask people to come under the current circumstances,” adding, “So we decided to change our message, to ‘stay home and relax,’” he added.


As the coronavirus brings the tourism industry into a slump, the Japanese government is working hard to provide financial aid for said businesses and is planning to encourage citizens to visit national parks and hot springs once the pandemic passes.

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