新聞美語即時通 緩和,安撫

今天我們要學的詞是 assuage. Assuage is spelled A-S-S-U-A-G-E, assuage.

assuage 的意思是緩和,安撫。 Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has attempted to assuage concerns over the risks the city’s freedoms face in connection to Beijing’s proposal for a “national security” law last week. 香港特首林鄭月娥試圖緩和在北京上週提出“國家安全法”提案後,人們對香港的自由所面臨的風險的擔憂。

Changes to the rules about outdoor gatherings to allow bigger groups could be announced this week in the UK, as ministers are keen to assuage public concerns about being unable to see friends and family. 英國本週可能會宣佈改變有關戶外聚會的規定,允許更多人參加集體聚會,英內閣大臣們迫切希望緩解民眾由於無法見到朋友和家人而產生的憂慮。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 assuage, assuage, assuage ....(新聞美語即時通是由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,節目內容歡迎到中廣新聞網youtube收看收聽)