新聞美語即時通 excoriate 苛責,責難

<p>今天我們要學的詞是 excoriate. Excoriate is spelled E-X-C-O-R-I-A-T-E, excoriate. </p><p>excoriate 的意思是苛責,責難。 Comments on Chinese social media and by health experts have excoriated local officials in Wuhan for not being more forthcoming about the threat posed by the novel coronavirus. 中國社交媒體上和醫務專家們的評論對武漢的地方官員提出責難,認為他們沒有及時通報新型冠狀病毒帶來的威脅。</p><p>A growing number of Lebanese politicians and political commentators are openly excoriating Hezbollah for endangering their country’s security in the wake of the discovery of tunnels dug by the terrorist organization under the border with Israel. 黎巴嫩越來越多的政客和政治評論人士公開譴責真主黨危害國家安全,之前這個恐怖組織在與以色列接壤的邊界挖地道的事情曝光。</p><p>好的,我們今天學習的詞是 excoriate, excoriate, excoriate ....(新聞美語即時通是由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,節目內容歡迎到中廣新聞網youtube收看收聽)</p>