新聞美語即時通 paralyze 癱瘓

今天我們要學的詞是 paralyze. Paralyze is spelled P-A-R-A-L-Y-Z-E, paralyze.

paralyze 的意思是癱瘓。 Japan began recovery efforts Sunday after a powerful typhoon hit the central island killing more than 30 people and briefly paralyzing Tokyo. 一場強颱風襲擊日本中部島嶼,造成30多人喪生,並導致東京短暫癱瘓之後,日本週日開始了重建工作。

V iolent attacks and looting of shops and houses have paralyzed businesses in southern Cameroon, where townspeople claim outsiders are causing mounting insecurity. 喀麥隆南部地區發生的暴力襲擊和商店及住家遭搶劫導致那裡商業癱瘓,當地居民稱外來者讓那裡越來越不安全。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 paralyze, paralyze, paralyze .
