新聞美語即時通 placate 討好,安撫

今天我們要學的詞是 placate. Placate is spelled P-L-A-C-A-T-E, placate.

placate 的意思是討好,安撫。 South Korea is cracking down on activists who send anti-Pyongyang leaflets into North Korea. The crackdown is being criticized by rights groups, who say Seoul is stifling free speech in order to placate North Korea.韓國正在打擊向朝鮮發送反平壤傳單的活動分子。人權組織批評這一壓制行動,他們說首爾為了討好朝鮮而扼殺言論自由。

Democratic leadership in some cities has been placating angry rioters when times were good, laying the stage for an eventual serious incident in which it would take the federal government to step in and restore order. 美國一些城市的民主黨領導人一直在較為平和的時期討好那些憤怒的鬧事者,為最終發生嚴重事件,必須要聯邦政府介入來恢復秩序埋下隱患。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 placate, placate, placate...(新聞美語即時通是由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,節目內容歡迎到中廣新聞網youtube收看收聽)