新聞美語即時通 prank 惡作劇

今天我們要學的詞是 prank. Prank is spelled P-R-A-N-K, prank.

prank 的意思是惡作劇。 Iranian state TV has aired what appears to be a prank call to a U.S. TV network from someone pretended to be a parent of a US soldier, trying to convince their audience that Iranian strikes on US bases in Iraq caused many casualties. 伊朗國家電視台播出了一名假冒美國軍人的父親打給美國一家電視網的惡搞電話,試圖說服觀眾伊朗對伊拉克的美國基地發動的襲擊造成多人傷亡。

While a college student who attempted to illegally obtain President Donald Trump’s tax returns argued that the act was a college prank, the Justice Department makes it clear that false attempts to obtain any citizen’s IRS filings are a federal crime. 一名試圖非法取得特朗普總統報稅記錄的美國大學生邊界說,他的行為是校園惡作劇,不過司法部清楚表明,以欺詐手段獲取任何公民的報稅記錄是一項聯邦犯罪行為。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 prank, prank, prank ....
