新聞美語即時通 queer 古怪的,獨特的,

今天我們要學的詞是 queer. Queer is spelled Q-U-E-E-R, queer.

queer 的原意是古怪的,獨特的,也用來泛指除異性戀之外的其他性取向。Nearly a year and a half after India scrapped a controversial legislation criminalizing homosexuality, the Indian capital has hosted its first ever queer literature festival. 在印度廢除了一項將同性戀定罪的有爭議的立法近一年半之後,印度首都舉辦了有史以來第一個酷兒文學節。

A University of California, Berkeley course starting in September offers students the chance to share “queer related stories” with local middle and high school students to encourage students who have not revealed their sexuality to pursue higher education. 加利福尼亞大學伯克利分校九月份開始一門新課,讓學生有機會與當地中學生分享“與酷兒有關的故事”,以鼓勵未透露性取向的學生接受高等教育。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 queer, queer, queer ....#3484(新聞美語即時通是由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,節目內容歡迎到中廣新聞網youtube收看收聽)