日本天才少年發明防疫神器 眾驚呼「比唐鳳厲害」

<p>Photo for illustrative purposes only (Shutterstock)</p>

Photo for illustrative purposes only (Shutterstock)


Curbing the spread of the coronavirus pandemic rests on knowing where infected people have been and who they’ve come in contact with so they can be tested and treated.

與一般年輕人一樣,16歲的Syu Kato喜歡滑板、火星人布魯諾和漢堡;不同的是他發揮程式設計專長利益社會大眾。

Like many teens, 16-year-old Syu Kato loves skateboarding, Bruno Mars and hamburgers. But he’s putting his knack for programming to good use.


Kato has designed an iPhone software application that uses GPS so individuals can keep their own records of their whereabouts in their mobile phone, to help with such contact tracing.

直譯為「足跡」的應用程式 ‘Asiato’,可以追蹤距離手機10公尺以內的範圍。目前這款APP的英文版已開放於Apple store免費下載。

Called Asiato, for “footprint,” the app keeps track of a phone’s movements within a distance of 10 meters (33 feet) or more. An English version of the app is available free from the iPhone App Store.


The app works like a diary but keeps track of locations. To protect privacy, the data is stored in the phone and is not automatically shared.


If a person discovers they have COVID-19, Asiato identifies where they’ve been in the past several weeks. They would need to reach out on their own to people they may have infected, or inform health authorities if asked.


Under Japan’s pandemic state of emergency, citizens are asked, not ordered, to stay home. Keeping track of their movements remains a crucial way to help control the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. It also could be used elsewhere as economies reopen around the world, Kato said.

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