日本水族館秀出新品種蝦子 網友笑瘋:是鮭魚壽司!

<p>A recently discovered shrimp species has led to internet fame over its close resemblance to a salmon sushi. (Photo courtesy of Aquamarine Fukushima/Twitter)</p>

A recently discovered shrimp species has led to internet fame over its close resemblance to a salmon sushi. (Photo courtesy of Aquamarine Fukushima/Twitter)


Japan’s Aquamarine Fukushima aquarium recently displayed a new species of deep-sea shrimp whose appearance left a huge impression on a large number of social media users.

The shrimp’s bright orange appearance and white stripes, in particular, won online praise for its striking resemblance to salmon sushi.

The funny shrimp led many to comment that “it looks absolutely delicious.”


In a tweet posted on July 30, the aquarium explained that the unique creature is a rare deep-sea creature, and was first discovered in 2017 in Hokkaido Shiretoko Luosu about 800 to 1,200 meters near the coast.


There was no previous record of this deep-sea shrimp, so experts judged it to be a new species, naming it “big shrimp” (ヒロメオキソコエビ).


After locating the shrimp in the aquarium, officials began actively looking for a suitable place for it to live, and luckily recently discovered that it loves to rest above the “Hexactinellida” (glass sponge).


Because the shrimp looks like salmon sushi, the post elicited the curiosity of many and the aquarium also shared videos of its activity online.

In the video, it can be seen moving very slowly, almost like it was completely stagnant that the aquarium jokingly wrote: “We must emphasize again and again, this is a video.”


Many social media users later took to the comment section to profess their interest in the deep-sea shrimp, with some saying, “I almost picked it up to dip it in soy sauce”, while others remarked that looking at it made them hungry

Some also poked fun at it, commenting, “Every time you eat salmon sushi, a deep-sea shrimp loses its life.”

One also questioned whether it came with vinegar rice, while another joked about the recent fiasco in Taiwan where people rushed to changed their names to include “salmon” to get free sushi, wondering if the shrimp is actually a victim of the past incident.

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