
<p>Hamutsu flails its hands to fight off the attack. (Photos courtesy of @k_reptileeees/Twitter)</p>

Hamutsu flails its hands to fight off the attack. (Photos courtesy of @k_reptileeees/Twitter)


A Twitter video showing a Chaco-horned frog (Chacophrys pierottii) named Hamutsu (はむつ) caught in a power play with its owner has recently gone viral, attracting 3.6 million views since being uploaded on July 2.

飼主,兩棲愛好者@k_reptileeees, 近日在推特上分享了自己一直往寵物波子角蛙「Hamutsu(はむつ)」肉肉的下巴不停地戳的畫面,影片中的Hamutsu 當然也不是省油的燈,只見牠使勁地揮舞著小手想把飼主的手指撥開。

The owner, a Japanese reptile enthusiast who goes by the nickname @k_reptileeees on Twitter, recently uploaded a video of her poking fun (literally) at her pet Chaco horned frog, Hamutsu (はむつ), by prodding at the frog’s jiggly chin as Hamutsu flailed its tiny hands around to brush off the adorable attacks.

飼主發文表示:「(Hamutsu) 的行為真的太可愛了啦,讓人想繼續捉弄牠。」但這也是情有可原的,畢竟這隻飼主嘴裡的「下巴精靈」圓滾滾的身形搭配腫脹的臉龐,再加上屹立不搖的矜持已吸引了360萬人觀看,短短四天內也有近28萬人點讚。

“(Hamutsu’s) actions are so adorable that I want to keep up this mischief,” the caption reads, and it’s not difficult to see why.

Hamutsu’s ball-like physique, puffy cheeks and steely determination to not be played are some reasons why this “chin fairy,” as @k_reptileeees affectionately calls Hamutsu, has caught the eye of 3.6 million viewers and garnered nearly 280,000 likes in the short span of four days.

Hamutsu’s ball-like physique, puffy cheeks and steely determination to not be played attracted social media users’ attention. (Photos courtesy of @k_reptileeees/Twitter)
Hamutsu’s ball-like physique, puffy cheeks and steely determination to not be played attracted social media users’ attention. (Photos courtesy of @k_reptileeees/Twitter)

網友看到影片後也紛紛留言表示:「實在太可愛了,無限循環~ 一直戳下巴太可愛了啦。」更有人進一步的自製畫像,把可愛的「人蛙」互動永遠保存下來。

One social media user commented: “It’s so cute it’s on repeat; the chin action is tooooo cute.”

Others also echoed this sentiment, with one finding this interaction so endearing that they drew a picture to keep forever.


Fun and laughter aside, it is indeed heartening to see more people looking past the slimy and intimidating facade of these amphibians and appreciate them for their beauty.

您也可以上 IG 關注 Hamutsu 的探險記 (@k_amphy_s)或追蹤Hamutsu其他兩棲兄弟姐妹 (@k_geckooo_s)。

You can catch more of Hamutsu’s adventures on Instagram at @k_amphy_s, or check out Hamutsu’s other reptilian siblings at @k_geckooo_s.

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