
<p>For Takishima Mika, age is truly just a number. Despite turning 90, she continues to exercise daily and work as a fitness instructor at a gym. (Photos courtesy of @takimika_poweraging/Instagram)</p>

For Takishima Mika, age is truly just a number. Despite turning 90, she continues to exercise daily and work as a fitness instructor at a gym. (Photos courtesy of @takimika_poweraging/Instagram)

【看CP學英文】對瀧島未香 (Takishima Mika) 來說,年齡不過是數字而已。即便已達90歲高齡,她仍然堅持天天運動,並在健身房擔任教練。

For Takishima Mika, age is truly just a number. Despite turning 90, she continues to exercise daily and work as a fitness instructor at a gym.

今年1 月 15 日滿 90 歲的她是日本最年長的健身教練,並以健壯的身材和積極的態度聞名。

Takishima Mika is Japan’s oldest fitness instructor who turned 90 on Jan. 15. She is well known for her physical shape and her positive attitude.

她的健身旅程於 65 歲時開始。她在接受日本雜誌採訪時承認,當時會開始有動力要健身是因為丈夫指出了她的體重。她表示,「就在那當下,我決定要上健身房運動。」

Her journey began when she was 65 when her husband made a comment about her weight. She admitted during an interview with Nippon Magazine that “that was when I decided to join a gym.”


She further revealed that she initially only wanted to lose weight, but after achieving her goals, she continued to set new challenges.

在Power Aging 健身房的老闆中澤智治(Nakasawa Tomoharu)的鼓勵下,瀧島未香最終在 87 歲時成為了一名健身教練。

Takishima eventually became a fitness instructor at age 87, with the encouragement of Nakasawa Tomoharu, her trainer and owner of Power Aging Gym.

Takishima eventually became a fitness instructor at age 87, with the encouragement of Nakasawa Tomoharu, her trainer and owner of Power Aging Gym. (Photo courtesy of @takimika_poweraging/Instagram)
Takishima eventually became a fitness instructor at age 87, with the encouragement of Nakasawa Tomoharu, her trainer and owner of Power Aging Gym. (Photo courtesy of @takimika_poweraging/Instagram)

不幸的是,在 COVID-19疫情期間,她每週只能上一次課,但她繼續維持自己的健身訓練和飲食。

Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, she can only hold classes once a week, but she continues to stick to her training regimen and diet.

瀧島未香表示自己通常於晚上11點左右睡覺,凌晨3點醒來。她以步行 4 公里、慢跑3 公里再倒著走 1 公里開始每一天。 接下來她會吃一頓均衡的早餐、做一些家務和輕鬆的伸展運動。

Takishima usually goes to sleep at around 11 p.m. and wakes up at 3 a.m. She starts her day off with a 4-kilometer walk, a 3-kilometer jog, and a backward walk for 1-kilometer. This is followed by a balanced breakfast, some housework and light stretch.

她透露午餐通常較為清淡,下午她便會開始做較激烈的運動訓練。訓練結束後,她會吃一頓豐盛的晚餐,配上一杯葡萄酒。 然後再做她的教練安排的運動,之後練習英語直到她就寢。

The 90-year-old then eats a light lunch, which is followed by an intense training session. After her training session, she will eat a hearty dinner, paired with a glass of wine. She then does the exercises her trainer had assigned and practices English up until bedtime.


Her story and her motivation have inspired many people, especially the elderly, to use fitness training to improve their health.

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