

Ahead of its first flight slated on Thursday, Starlux Airlines recently unveiled the design of its narrow-body aircraft A321neo cabin design created by Designworks. The subsidiary of BMW has created a homelike aircraft cabin equipped with cutting-edge technologies.

▲星宇航空1月23日開航倒數,今搶先曝光座艙及機艙設備設計。| Starlux Airlines unveiled the narrow-body aircraft A321neo cabin design on Friday. (NOWnews)
▲星宇航空1月23日開航倒數,今搶先曝光座艙及機艙設備設計。| Starlux Airlines unveiled the narrow-body aircraft A321neo cabin design on Friday. (NOWnews)


Among other highlights, the business class is fitted with full-flat seats (208 cm in full length) and free inflight Wifi. All sections of the aircraft cabin also offer audio-video on-demand (AVOD) entertainment.

商務艙可180度全平躺,最大伸展長達208公分 | Among other highlights, the business class is fitted with full-flat seats with 208 cm in full length. (NOWnews)
商務艙可180度全平躺,最大伸展長達208公分 | Among other highlights, the business class is fitted with full-flat seats with 208 cm in full length. (NOWnews)


As for the economy class, the newly designed thin seatbacks extend the passengers’ leg rooms. The seats’ headrests are made of leather which makes the flight more comfortable. Free Wifi texting is also available in economy class.

座位採用皮質頭靠,不用自頸枕也能舒服入睡。|The seats’ headrests are made of leather, which makes the flight more comfortable. (NOWnews)
座位採用皮質頭靠,不用自頸枕也能舒服入睡。|The seats’ headrests are made of leather, which makes the flight more comfortable. (NOWnews)

星宇航空A321neo配置兩艙等共188席座位,商務艙8席、經濟艙180席,機艙主色調概念名為「雅仕純茶」(Pure Tea),營造溫潤的優雅氛圍。

Starlux Airlines A321neo boasts eight seats in business class and 180 seats in economy class. The cabin is mainly covered in pure tea color, creating an elegant and warm atmosphere.

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