





你們的另一位會員的命運,也一直盤旋在我的腦海裡。一年前,我主持了國際出版商協會的大會,將「伏爾泰出版自由獎」(Prix Voltaire)授予了勇敢的出版商和獨立中文筆會會員桂明海,整個國際筆會大家庭,特別是瑞典筆會,一致譴責對他的恐怖綁架與監禁,並呼籲立即釋放他,讓他能夠與他的女兒一起回到瑞典。國際筆會不會後退,也不會停止我們的聲援行動,直到桂明海獲得自由為止。

我要讓獨立中文筆會所有成員知道,當你們為思想與言論自由,寫作與出版自由抗爭時,國際筆會是堅決而強烈地支持你們的。去年9月,在印度普納市舉行的國際筆會年會上,我們譴責和抗議中國對維吾爾穆斯林的鎮壓。政府以打擊宗教極端主義為藉口,在新疆地區設立「再教育中心」,未經過任何法律程式,大批收押伊斯蘭民眾,強迫接受政治洗腦,禁止他們進行宗教及文化活動。雖然沒有官方資料,據估計至少有100萬維吾爾穆斯林遭遇了這樣的政治迫害與鎮壓,其中有熱依拉·達吾提(Rahile Dawut)、阿布都克裡木·熱合滿(Abdukerim Rahman)等著名學者,齊孟古爾·阿烏特(Chimengül Awut)、阿布拉江·阿烏提·阿尤普(Ablajan Awut Ayup)、阿卜杜拉迪爾·賈拉拉丁(Abdulqadir Jalaleddin)等詩人、作家和音樂家。這是一種反人類的罪行,國際筆會將會一而再,再而三地一次次譴責。












Dear Tienchi Martin-Liao, president of ICPC

You are well aware of how close to my heart the Independent Chinese PEN Centre is. In our troubled times, it is a sign of hope that you are meeting in Hong Kong to celebrate the centenary of the May Fourth Movement. PEN benefitted from this anti-imperialist movement and its defence of Chinese culture by including the active participation of Chinese writers as early as 1924, just after our first PEN International congress in 1923.

I am moved by the “Liu Xiaobo Courage to Write Award” you will be giving at the conference. Liu Xiaobo embodies the very core values of PEN International. His sacrifice has been understood by writers around the world as the promise that sooner than later the respect for Human Rights and Freedom will come back to China.

The fate of another of your very prominent members occupies my thoughts every day. One year ago, I chaired the session of the International Publishers Association congress where the Prix Voltaire was awarded to the courageous publisher and ICPC leader Gui Minhai. The whole PEN family and very especially Swedish PEN is campaigning to denounce the terrible circumstances of his kidnapping and imprisonment and to call for his immediate liberation for him to be able to join his daughter back in Sweden.

We will not hold our back, we will not stop our actions in his defence until he is free again.

I want all members of ICPC to feel the intense solidarity of PEN Centres with your struggle for the defence of freedom of thought, expression, writing and publishing in China. At the last Congress of PEN International, celebrated in the Indian city of Pune in September last year, we campaigned to denounce the intensification of China’s crackdown on Turkic Muslims, largely Uyghurs from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). While there is no official data, estimates suggest at least one million Turkic Muslims have been detained en masse and without charge in political re-education camps under the pretext of countering religious extremism; forced to submit to political indoctrination and prevented from practising their religion or expressing their culture. Among their number are reported to be well-respected academics such as Rahile Dawut and Abdukerim Rahman, writers and musicians such as Chimengül Awut, Ablajan Awut Ayup and Abduqadir Jalaleddin. This is a crime that resonates in all humanity. PEN will denounce it again and again.

Two years after the May Fourth Movement, PEN International was founded in London in 1921. We will celebrate our centenary in two years, and you are all welcome to celebrate it with PEN Centres worldwide. Since 1921, we have built a global web of solidarity, translation, encounters, debates and friendships. We have also given birth to a common voice to face injustice and attacks to freedom to write. May this letter be the messenger that tells you that, in the face of repression, you will never be alone. We stand by your side.

Jennifer Clement


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