法國男丟失錢包馬上尋獲 感動直呼:誠實是台灣共同價值

<p>來自法國的Chris於週六在臉書社團「Foreigners society in Taiwan」貼文。| Chris from France -shared his lost & found story on Facebook. (Screenshot from Facebook)</p>

來自法國的Chris於週六在臉書社團「Foreigners society in Taiwan」貼文。| Chris from France -shared his lost & found story on Facebook. (Screenshot from Facebook)

【看CP學英文】來自法國的Chris於週六在臉書社團「Foreigners society in Taiwan」文,表示他周五前往人潮擁擠的台北車站,不幸弄丟了錢包,裡面有現金、卡片以及證件,讓他焦急不已,後來接到銀行電話,聯繫上撿到錢包的台灣人,順利找回錢包令他大讚台灣人非常誠實而貼文一出即引起廣大迴響,許多外國人紛紛留言分享類似經驗。

Chris from France reached to the Facebook group “Foreigners society in Taiwan” on Saturday, explaining that he went to a crowded Taipei station on Friday and unfortunately lost his wallet, which contained cash, cards, and documents, leaving him anxious.

Later, he received a phone call from the bank and contacted the Taiwanese person who had found his wallet. He ended by praising the honesty of the Taiwanese people. The story has attracted much attention with many sharing similar experiences.


Chris wrote in his post that he was in a crowded Taipei station on Friday and only found that his wallet was missing when he got home about three hours later.

He unexpectedly received a call from his bank at around 7 p.m. informing him that someone had found his cards and wanted to contact Chris personally.


However, the bank could not provide the customer’s phone number, so they gave Chris the phone number of the man who found the wallet.


Chris stressed that he immediately called the number provided by the bank, and a man answered and said he had left from work.

As a result, the man said he would meet Chris at the same place to return the wallet on Sunday.

來自法國的Chris於週六在臉書社團「Foreigners society in Taiwan」貼文。 | Chris from France recently shared his lost & found story on Facebook. (Screenshot from Facebook)
來自法國的Chris於週六在臉書社團「Foreigners society in Taiwan」貼文。 | Chris from France recently shared his lost & found story on Facebook. (Screenshot from Facebook)

Chris應約取回錢包,相當感動,希望能好好報答這位善心男子,但他說那位男子非常低調,交還錢包後,男子顯得有些不好意思,只說了一句「ok bye」就離開了。

Chris got his wallet back and was very touched, hoping to repay the kind-hearted man. However, the man looked embarrassed and said “ok bye” right after returning the wallet.


“I acknowledge the efficiency of my bank and the good-hearted guy who cared about a stranger,” Chris wrote.


Chris ended the post by saying that “honesty” is a common value among Taiwanese people, and they think everyone will do it.

“If Tsai Ing-wen knew how much I love this country she would issue me the citizenship right away,” he said.

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