法國財政部明星長壽貓去世 部長將再領養一隻接續前任

<p>French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire announced solemnly last week that he will adopt a new cat after the passing of Olive. (Photos courtesy of Bruno Le Maire/Instagram)</p>

French Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire announced solemnly last week that he will adopt a new cat after the passing of Olive. (Photos courtesy of Bruno Le Maire/Instagram)

【看CP學英文】法國經濟財政部長布魯諾·勒梅爾 (Bruno Le Maire)表示因為在財政部度過22年的愛貓「橄欖」(Olive) 逝世,於上週二鄭重的宣布將在近期領養新的貓咪。

Olive, 22, the official cat of the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, died in May after a long and comfortable life in one of the most powerful government agencies in France.

After several weeks of mourning, Minister Bruno Le Maire announced last week that he will adopt a new cat for the ministry in the near future.

雖然此消息在第一時間看似沒有如此的嚴肅,然而勒梅爾卻義正辭嚴在週二向「費加洛報」(Le Figaro)隆重宣布因為貝爾西(Bercy, 法國財政部所在地)失去吉祥物已經一個月了,他決定「計劃再收養一隻。」

他表示「我還不知道它會是什麼品種[….] 但是貝爾西將會有一隻新貓」。

The news is worth a laugh, but the minister officially announced the news to Le Figaro on July 6, more than a month after Bercy (the location of the ministry’s headquarters) lost its favorite pet.

“I have planned to adopt another one. I don’t know what breed it will be [….] but Bercy will have a new cat,” the minister said with a smile.

Le Maire paid tribute to the 22-year-old cat who was a beloved member of the ministry. (Screengrab from Bruno Le Maire/Instagram)
Le Maire paid tribute to the 22-year-old cat who was a beloved member of the ministry. (Screengrab from Bruno Le Maire/Instagram)



For 22 years, the life of Olive, the legendary cat, was filled with daily feedings by various employees of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

Every day, she nestled comfortably in the exclusive basket in front of the staff entrance.

Next to her, there was a bowl full of food and water, and the employees passing by will also pet her.

According to staff, seeing Olive walking around in the big office let them feel healed and happy.

在財政部生活了 22 年的小巷貓去世消息是由部長顧問本傑明·羅斯米尼 (Benjamin Rosmini) 在推特上宣布的,他同時也寫道「每個人都很心痛」,而勒梅爾則是在IG上弔念牠。

The death of the alley cat “Olive,” who lived in the Ministry for 22 years, was announced by Benjamin Rosmini, a consultant to the minister, on Twitter, stating that “everyone is heartbroken.” Bruno Le Maire then later paid tribute to the cat on Instagram.

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