
<p>在泰國演藝圈佔有一席之地的女神Urassaya Sperbund,擁有挪威與泰國雙血統,從小就是爸爸和媽媽的掌上明珠。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With a double cultural background, actress Urassaya has now become a remarkable phenomenon in Thailand’s showbiz. (photo courtesy Urassaya Sperbund/Instagram)</p>

在泰國演藝圈佔有一席之地的女神Urassaya Sperbund,擁有挪威與泰國雙血統,從小就是爸爸和媽媽的掌上明珠。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With a double cultural background, actress Urassaya has now become a remarkable phenomenon in Thailand’s showbiz. (photo courtesy Urassaya Sperbund/Instagram)

在泰國演藝圈佔有一席之地的女神Urassaya Sperbund,擁有挪威與泰國雙血統,從小就是爸爸和媽媽的掌上明珠。在15歲就出道的她,以小名Yaya活躍於演藝圈長達12年。因曾飾演泰國暢銷電影《把哥哥退貨可以嗎?》在國際間亦小有知名度。

Thanks to her double cultural background (Norway and Thailand), actress Urassaya Sperbund, who grew up as the apple of her parent’s eye, has now become a remarkable phenomenon in Thailand’s showbiz.

Sperbund made her debut at the age of 15 under the nickname “Yaya” and she has been active in the entertainment industry for about 12 years. She starred in the Thai best-selling film “Brother of the Year,” which has helped her popularity worldwide.


At the age of 14, Yaya was approached by talent scouts at a mall due to her outstanding appearance. She then made her debut in commercials and magazine shoots, before starring as the lead actress in her first drama.

One year later, she won the Best Actress award, claiming her title as a queen in the business all while keeping up with her studies. She was reportedly admitted to Chulalongkorn University, the number one university in Thailand, making her a true-life winner.

在泰國演藝圈佔有一席之地的女神Urassaya Sperbund,擁有挪威與泰國雙血統,從小就是爸爸和媽媽的掌上明珠。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With a double cultural background, actress Urassaya <span>has now become a remarkable phenomenon in Thailand’s showbiz</span>. (photo courtesy Urassaya Sperbund/Instagram)
在泰國演藝圈佔有一席之地的女神Urassaya Sperbund,擁有挪威與泰國雙血統,從小就是爸爸和媽媽的掌上明珠。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With a double cultural background, actress Urassaya has now become a remarkable phenomenon in Thailand’s showbiz. (photo courtesy Urassaya Sperbund/Instagram)

除了顏值高、用功讀書、孝順和工作認真之外,Yaya在2010年認識 Nadech(Barry Nadech Kugimiya)並合作主演《築夢莊園之心火》,不但讓兩人的演藝圈知名度又更上一層,Yaya還收穫了一枚專情又體貼的好男友。由於Nadech也相當優秀,在很年輕時就奪下影帝寶座,因此被粉絲們認為兩人非常速配。兩人合作五次之後終於擦出愛火並鬆口認愛,在現實生活中成為甜蜜的情侶。

In addition to her good look, studiousness, family values and seriousness, Yaya is also lucky. She met actor Nadech (Barry Nadech Kugimiya) in 2010 when they co-starred in “Duang Jai Akkanee,” which not only furthered their popularity but also won her a boyfriend who is dedicated and caring.

Nadech is also an excellent actor as he won the Best Actor Award at a young age. There is, therefore, little wonder that the couple was deemed a perfect match by fans. The two have worked together five times before finally admitting that he fell in love and became a sweet couple in real life.


With her sweet smile and classy personality, Yaya’s popularity remains undiminished throughout the years, the 10 million Instagram followers she has online proves it all.

在泰國演藝圈佔有一席之地的女神Urassaya Sperbund,擁有挪威與泰國雙血統,從小就是爸爸和媽媽的掌上明珠。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With a double cultural background, actress Urassaya <span>has now become a remarkable phenomenon in Thailand’s showbiz</span>. (photo courtesy Urassaya Sperbund/Instagram)
在泰國演藝圈佔有一席之地的女神Urassaya Sperbund,擁有挪威與泰國雙血統,從小就是爸爸和媽媽的掌上明珠。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With a double cultural background, actress Urassaya has now become a remarkable phenomenon in Thailand’s showbiz. (photo courtesy Urassaya Sperbund/Instagram)