泰國大麻除罪後「錢景」看好 官員估5年內價值逾30億美元


BANGKOK, THAILAND - 2022/07/26: A bud-tender at Fat Bud's, a small dispensary in Bangkok, shows a jar of the cannabis flowers for sale at their shop, which is focused on buying and selling cannabis grown by local farmers in Thailand. Since the Thai Government decriminalised the sale and possession of marijuana on June 9, 2022, dry cannabis flowers have begun to be sold in dispensaries and on the street throughout Bangkok. A sudden boom in the marijuana business coupled with its swift legalisation comes without a strong framework for legislative regulation, resulting in an uncertain economic forecast for the weed industry in Thailand. With the support of Thai doctors, some political parties have expressed concern about the current lack of regulation of cannabis, adding to uncertainty about the future of cannabis legalisation in Thailand. (Photo by Matt Hunt/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
泰國繼大麻醫用合法化後,今年進一步將大麻從毒品管制名單中移除。商家看準商機推出各式商品。(資料照/Getty Images)

32歲的帕克波姆(Pakpoom Charoenbunna)向他平時光顧的奶茶攤販買了杯含大麻成分的茶飲,他說:「這有助我一夜好眠。」




Channherb大麻店老闆蘇拉瓦(Surawut Samphant)創造出一種牙膏,成分包括含有大麻二酚的大麻籽油,他聲稱這種牙膏有助於牙齦護理。

已使用這款牙膏兩個月的尼康(Nikom Rianthong)說:「我有牙齦萎縮和偶爾感染的問題,這款牙膏對我很有效。」他還說他一試成主顧。

開設甜點店的克里菲(Kreephet Hanpongpipat)過去主打斑蘭葉口味甜點,一年前加了大麻葉來招攬新顧客。克里菲表示,有客人說,含大麻成分的甜點能讓他們睡個好覺。

泰國醫用大麻合法化的主要推手衛生部長阿努廷(Anutin Charnvirakul)估計,相關產業5年內價值可望超過30億美元。


