泰國酒窩男星長紅不敗秘辛 生世坎坷從小被領養

<p>長期在泰國演藝圈有一席之地的 Nadech(Barry Nadech Kugimiya),在不少泰國少男少女的心中都是第一名帥哥代表。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|Thai actor Barry Nadech Kugimiya has been a long time favorite in the Thai entertainment industry, and is considered the most handsome by many Thai teens. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)</p>

長期在泰國演藝圈有一席之地的 Nadech(Barry Nadech Kugimiya),在不少泰國少男少女的心中都是第一名帥哥代表。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|Thai actor Barry Nadech Kugimiya has been a long time favorite in the Thai entertainment industry, and is considered the most handsome by many Thai teens. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)

【看CP學英文】長期在泰國演藝圈有一席之地的 Nadech(Barry Nadech Kugimiya),在不少泰國少男少女的心中都是第一名帥哥代表。奧地利和華裔泰國人混血的他,有著深邃鼻樑和精緻五官,在16歲時就因為亮眼的外型而參與雜誌拍攝,並在19歲時順利接演戲劇並打響名號。

Thai actor Barry Nadech Kugimiya has been a long-time favorite in the entertainment industry in Thailand where he is considered as the most handsome actor by many Thai teens.

The Austrian-Chinese-Thai mixed-blood celebrity is blessed with a prominent nose and exquisite facial features which gave him the chance to join a photo shoot for a magazine at the age of 16, before making a name for himself in showbiz through acting starting at the age of 19.


When Nadech first started his career, he introduced himself as half Japanese and half Thai, but he later confessed that he was adopted by his parents.

Nadech’s adoptive father was a Japanese engineer running an electrical equipment business in Bangkok, while his adoptive mother was a cousin of his birth mother. The two are the ones that brought him up that’s why he kept his father’s Japanese last name.


In an interview with a local media, Nadech said that his adoptive mother Kaew took care of him after his adoptive father fell sick, and even provided for him all by herself, therefore she holds a very special place in his heart.

除了事業順遂,他和女友Yaya的戀情亦備受眾人矚目。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Apart from his career, his romance with girlfriend Yaya has attracted much attention. (photo courtesy/ kugimiyas@Instagram)
除了事業順遂,他和女友Yaya的戀情亦備受眾人矚目。(圖/翻攝自IG)|Apart from his career, his romance with girlfriend Yaya has attracted much attention. (photo courtesy/ kugimiyas@Instagram)


Nadech made his television debut in “Ngao Ruk Luang Jai” and then starred in another series “Duang Jai Akkanees” the same year where he met Thai sweetheart, Yaya, who then became his girlfriend.

In 2011, Nadech’s popularity soared when he won the Best Actor Award with the series “Game Rai Game Ruk.” In 2014, he won the 23rd Suphannahong Awards for Best Actor, making him the youngest actor to claim both titles.


Apart from his career, his romance with girlfriend Yaya has also attracted much media attention. The two started as screen couples, after many times cooperating on set, they finally fell in love and made their love affair eventually public.

Ever since they started dating, the lovebirds haven’t been shy about showing their love for each other, as they haven’t stopped posting pictures of them together.