猛烈龍捲風襲美國阿肯色州 2死數10人傷


LITTLE ROCK, AR - MARCH 31: Homes damaged by a tornado are seen on March 31, 2023 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Tornados damaged hundreds of homes and buildings Friday afternoon across a large part of Central Arkansas. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders declared a state of emergency after the catastrophic storms that hit on Friday afternoon. According to local reports, the storms killed at least three people. (Photo by Benjamin Krain/Getty Images)
阿肯色州首府小岩城和鄰近城鎮31日遭強烈龍捲風重創,造成至少2人喪生、數十人受傷。(圖/Getty Images)

路透社報導,龍捲風31日下午襲擊阿肯色州首府、人口最多的小岩城(Little Rock)後,當地唯一大型創傷中心阿肯色醫科大學(University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)宣布一級大規模傷亡警戒。


阿肯色州州長桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)在深夜召開的記者會中表示,這場龍捲風在阿肯色州溫尼(Wynne)至少奪走2人性命。溫尼位於小岩城東方約160公里處,接近田納西州州界。

小岩城市長史考特(Frank Scott Jr.)告訴媒體,該市有近30名傷者被消防局和其他緊急救難人員送往地區醫院,還說「感謝上帝,我們沒有任何人員罹難」。

